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Recognizing Your Baby’s Movement

 May 20, 2012

Hi lovelies,

Hari ni mau citer pasal baby lagi.. hehe. Jangan mare ye.. sebelum meletup ni sajelaa nak share mane yang sempat. Since baby dah makin besar nie movement dia pon nak makin obvious. Si kecik nie memang hyperactive especially when I attend meeting. Orang dok meeting dia pon galak nak join same :) Tapi seronok sebenarnye..kadang2 siap nampak my tummy bulging from one side to another.  Malu pon ade.. punyelaa seksa nak sorok perut ni.. takut nnti ade lak my colleague yang tergezut. Hehehe. Pape pun syukur sangat sebab masuk 4 months I dh bleh rase movement baby. So lamelaa sket I bleh enjoy sharing rase baby gerak2 ni with my spouse and family. Since my baby banyak gerak, slalunye bleh bajetlaa kalau dia dok stretching kaki ke, angkat punggung ke, kuis2 tangan ke. Jadinye senang nak tegur and borak2 ngan baby. If ade yang confuse your baby tengah buat ape kat dalam tuh, meh nak share sket info yang I gathered about baby’s movement. 

Flutters & Tapping – Usually, this is the early movement that we can feel, very similar to a muscle spasm or gas bubble. Sometimes you may feel like there are butterflies in your stomach. These feelings are also sometimes called quickening.

Kicking & Punching – As your baby gets stronger and slightly bigger, you may begin to feel some jabs and kicks. As your baby grows, these kicks and punches can become more violent and sometimes even jolting enough to take your breath away or stop you in your tracks.

Rolling & Sliding –This feels much like an inside out Shiatsu massage chair in your belly. You may feel like your baby is a little wiggly fish. This is a really fun part of fetal movement because you can actually see your baby moving inside your belly.

Tickles & Popping - It might sound crazy, but it is quite possible that your baby is blowing bubbles in the womb. Although their lungs are full of fluid, they prepare their lungs for birth by expelling these fluids into the amniotic sac, which feels very similar to a bubbling tickle in the womb.

Vibrations & Spasms - Sometimes scary and unexpected, but these feelings are completely normal. These can most likely be attributed to fetal hiccups. Fetal hiccups are unlike regular hiccups, but they have the same spontaneous reaction. It is normal to experience these occurrences multiple times a day, and even normal to never feel them at all. The baby can  be a little frustrated and disturbed by these hiccups, thus thrusting and stretching around inside, causing even more chaos in the womb.

Nowadays, I keep experiencing yang part last tue. Slalu sgt rasa baby’s hiccup. Kadang2 kite pulak yang kesian sampi pegi minum air masak banyak2 dengan harapan cepat baiklaa hiccup tuh (tapi mcm xde efek ape pun.. huhu :p). Rasa hiccup tue mcm heartbeat..tapi slower. Since kite tau yang baby’s heartbeat is faster than adult so if perut trase denyut2 tue might be sebab baby tengah hiccup laa. Some research said baby experience hiccup sebab dia tengah practice the lungs for breathing. Tapi bila banyak fluid masuk dlm lung baby, tue yang jadi hiccup. Since this is absolutely normal, nothing to worry about. So enjoy jelaa layan our baby’s movement :)

Okaylaa, if ade info lagi nanti kite sharing2 ye.

Till then.

Update @ 34 weeks

 May 18, 2012

Hi lovelies,

It’s been quite some times to find another momentum to write. Lately ni xde mood sangat nak online or menulis. Kat ofis ke, kat rumah ke..  asal ade chance tuk berehat memang akan digunekan sepenuhnya. Almaklumlaa, sekarang ni dh start experience water retention and carpal tunnel syndrome. Kaki, tangan, muke sume habis swelling. Dah macam orang telebih telan air je. Ala2 water balloon… kalau cucuk sure pecah! Huahaha. 

Stamina pon x bape nak ade nih. Dulu kalau tawaf shopping complex 3-4 jam still semangat je, now baru masuk sejam dah start semput! Nasiblaa labu, mak ngaku mak dh berat. Even mase gi last check up pun my doc terkejut tgk berat naik mendadak. Tuelaa, mase 1st ngn 2nd trimester x naik sgt..masuk hujung2 nie skali naik terus 3kg sebulan. Tahap melampau2 sungguh. Now terpakselaa berdiet. Doc suruh minimize carbohydrate intake. So, terpakse say goodbye to my favorite French fries and white bread.. uwaaaa (~.~) See, x makan nasi pon buleh naik berat badan okeh. So lps ni mau makan ape? Ratah lauk ngn makan buah jelaa jawabnye.

 3D scan @ 30 weeks - my baby yg kuat muncung. paling xtahan tangan dia maintain kat dagu sepanjag scan. memang posing abis... hehe

My mum ngn MIL dh siap tegur cakap cam x lame je nk deliver since kaki ni membengkak dengan jayanya. Pastu kite ni siap experienced Braxton Hicks pulak! Mane x cuak weh, satu ape pon x prepare. Mase sakit tuh cepat2 siapkan barang2 baby especially bag yang nak dibawa ke hospital. Naseb jugaklaa barang2 baby dh complete beli… tinggal 5% je lg kot. Yang tue maybe leh mintak my hubby belikan je bile2. So lepas ni siapkan bag mummy pulak ler.

Rasenye shopping list I sempoi je kot sbb tue senang je settle shopping.. ade few stuffs I hold je dulu. Tengok pada keperluan. Kat bwh ni I share my list ye.. kot ade mommies to be yang sudi nak refer. Hehehe. Ni mostly barang2 for baby.. barang2 tuk diri sendiri x fikir sangat pun.

Okaylaa..ade mase kite sambung cerite lagi. Till then. Have a nice weekend!

p/s: terpakse buat scheduled entry..kalau x memang bersawanglaa blog ni. huhu

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