Marion's Solemnization Dress by Rizalman
December 17, 2010
Hi lovelies,
After spending few days at the hospital, hari nie sempat jugak nk blogwalking and surf sane sini. Since x berape nak follow gossip celebrity jadinye memang agak x alert ngan wedding Marion Counter & SM Nasaruddin. Tahu diaorg nak kawen tp x tahu pulak this week. Tup2 saw some pics of their wedding at Rizalman's FB (dare not to copy from his FB, sape2 nk tengok silelaa pi sendiri kat his page ye). Maybe ramai dah yang post about this.. Tapi xpelaa.. nak gak citer. Anyway, her dress memang sangat2 cantik... (rase nak pengsan tengok) and somehow it reminds me of Elyana's dress - because of those crystals (i see bling2) and flower patching tue kot. Heart the veil sooo much! If only saye ni tinggi dan slim melim blehlaa nak pakai veil panjang2 :p (if uols tengok kat FB Rizalman, bleh nampak details on the veil. memang superb!). Anyway, gambar2 nie dpt from few entertainment blogs. Sebab godek byk sgt so x ingt dh source. ya ampun.. huhuhu
dress yang sememangnye to-die-for
stairs deco... rase macam dalam garden je
the dais... very classy
sangat suke frame yang penuh ngan pearls tuh.. tp dlm gambar nie x clear sgt kan? okaylaa.. meh tepek clearer view kat bawah nih. hehe.. i don't know who's the decorator.. but it's not possible kalau diaorg hire Rizalman gak for this (he's super duper multi talented.. so memang x mustahil kalau dier jadi WP for this event.. x gitu?). Well, dengarnya masa majlis sanding nanti Marion will be wearing Vera Wang gown. Pastue, there will be another reception at Maldives. Lucky her! wawawa.... x sbr nk tgk :D
Conclusionnye... sape ade duit lehlaa wat wedding camni (very the vass and the bomb kan?)... and those yang takde? cuci mate jelaa labu. huhuhu :p
Till then.

7 love notes:
mmg cntik giler...
mmg dpt cuci mata je ni huuhu
hehe.. mehlaa pakat cuci mate :D
dah laa layoutt blog entry sama..titlee pun sama...!!!ahaha
wut a coincidence kan? hahaha.. :D
Sukanya veil dia, aduh, jatuh hati gwe
memang meruntun jiwe tgk veil dier.. fuhhh... marvelous!
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