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 April 14, 2010

The part can never be well unless the whole is well.  ~Plato

I guess i need spare parts... huhu. Many parts were broken or maybe ware taken care under poor management and maintenance. Unlucky me, heh? or Careless me? :p

Well. i'm in the midst of choosing ESP for myself (after a loooong postponement). I have few selections in mind.. but everything seems costly (err.. so how? Hurm.. its not really an issue.. lets sort it out. Just need to cut down my spending and adjust few things here and there. Everything should be fine.. right? hehe). 

Actually i am quite hesitate about doing this (i have few reasons.. will talk about it later okay). But still, I guess this is what i suppose to do.. and SHOULD do if i ever care to my own self. So.. let's bring it on! Huhu. Wish me luck! Hope to be back with good news. Hence, this site will be on hiatus again (just for awhile). Thanks to all for your support (^__^)

The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience.  Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around.... Throughout history, "tender loving care" has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.  ~Larry Dossey

ohh.. in need of those "tender loving care" badly.. anyone? huhu :p

p/s: am changing the font for this blog.. fresh start? hopefully :)

When Things Go Wrong

 April 12, 2010

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;

And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

- Unknown

Bye bye Iceland!

 April 6, 2010


Finally i can increase my room temperature or even switching off the air conditioner without feeling guilty! Weeeee (^___^)

Well, sumenye disebabkan oleh microfilms yg tersimpan kat my office. Rupe-rupenye dekat setahun gak microfilms tue dh bersarang kat bilik nie. Now dah return semule ke tempat asalnye --> main library. Gara-gara microfilms itu jugaklaa diri ini terpakse menahan kesejukan setiap hari. Rase cam nk freeze jer.. Bayangkanlaa room temperature at least kena 20°C. Kalau nak lg mantap kena 16-18°C semata2 tuk keep microfilms tue drpd x rosak... huhu.. memang seksa hari2 manahan sejuk. Bab berulang gi toilet tue xyah ckplaa kan.. Countless! Selamat bilik sorang2 so kadang2 terpakse gak off aircond jap. Tapi as usual of course laa akan rase bersalah. Microfilms tue kosnye beribu2, kalau rosak sape nak ganti? huhu. Dulu mase mula2 keje siap bwk baju sejuk berlapis2 ngan pakai socks lagi. Lame2 dh mule immune pade low temperature. So budak asthmatic nie dh berjaye tahan sejuk! hehe (tapi jgn campak gi tempat2 yg lagi sejuk daripada 16°C laa.. confirm x tahan pnye..huhu :p). Hurm, ape pun.. skrg dh x perlu tahan sejuk hari2 lagi. Yuhuuuu!!!!!

The Dry Cabinet showing the temperature & humidity in my room (sometimes it can be lower that that. azab tahan sejukkk. huhuhu)

Bye bye my little Iceland -- skrg trase mcm tgh 'summer' je kat office neyh.. hehehe (mode bersuka ria)

Till then


masih dalam mood berjimba

 April 5, 2010

Hi there...

Hope sume org pun having a great day. If x bape great pun.. live it to the fullest laa ye. hehe. Chopp.. b4 proceed lebih jauh.. just nk citer sikit pasal fon. ari tue saje2laa browse few packages from Maxis, Celcom and Digi. tengok2 package iPhone and Blackberry. bukan main lagi compare2 harge tapi x rase minat laa pulak. huhu.. sume org berlumba2 beli dua jenis fon tue tp i maintain jer ngn my Sony.E yg x bape nk gempak nie. hihihi. nak buat cmner kan. baik browse internet thru computer. lagi puas hati. kalau gune fon confirm melambung bil. kalau nk dgr lagu, mp3 player ade.. nak amik gmbr, digital camera ade. so, fon nie buat call ngn sms je sbnrnye. huhu.. tapi kan.. sebenarnye dh lame minat N97 (tibe2 trase mcm ckp putar belit.. hahaha :p).. now they come out with N97 Mini lak.. very irresistible. camera 5MP some more.. tapi xtaula berbaloi ke x nak beli. huhu.. xperlaa.. simpan dulu bab phone. baik simpan duit tuk berjimba.. haha... okeh.. masuk citer berjimba~~

Photo credit: Nokia (hurm.. smart kan? hehehe)

Well, eventho daily schedule packed ngan keje and family matters tapi masih lagi x berape sedar diri sbb ade mood gak nak berjimba.. huhu. saje mencari ketenangan diri. ingat nk berjimba ngan member2 tapi asyik clash timing jer.. so proceed jelaa ngan plan sendiri. disebabkan xde member yg bleh join shopping baju/kasut.. so wat on9 shopping jelaa. tambah few pieces of cloth. lame gler x shopping rasenye. huhuhu. tggu next pay day laa baru bleh berjimba ngn kawan2.. buleh kan cayang2ku sekalian? hehe. ampunnnn (lame giler x berjimba ngn uols.. winduuu)

So.. minggu yang hectic bermule when my uncle (my father's twin) admitted kat Hospital Melaka bcoz of stroke. he was attending a meeting there. sume org pun shocked sbb dier mmg jaga makan and selalu jogging. hurm.. tapi nak wat cmner kan.. it's already in the blood... mmg penyakit keturunan. lgpun his life as a judge sure exhausted giler. BIG responsibility kan? hurm..nmpk gayenye i have to watch my diet regularly too laa.. xleh pandang ringan sgt.

Back to da' story... I had to drive to Malacca since my father just did angiogram and angioplasty procedures (x dibenarkan driving at least for 2 weeks). so supir x bertauliah nie speed laa ke Melaka at 6 PM and reached the hospital at 7.30 PM. not bad laa kan. dengan ujan lebatnye.. mmg xleh aar nk speed laju2. then smpi KL semula around 12 AM. bgn je pagi esok tue terus migraine sbbnye saye nie ade silau. bile drive kat highway faham2 jelaa.. spotlight bus ngn lorry berbakul2 menyuluh jalan.. sakit mate nie. lagi2 ade satu bus nie syiok plak men lawan speed ngn i.. asyik cucuk2 je. penat nak main lari2 ngan dier... huhu. x psl2 kena maintain speed 110 and above. tapi ngantuk punye psl gak.. tue yg speedo... kalau x.. bleh je slow and steady

(fyi, my uncle is still unconscious.. there's blood clot in his brain. hope that he will recover soon. Ameen)


Then bile masuk keje pulak....

Tibe2 ade ad-hock changes dlm meeting.. biasenye meeting 40 min tup2 jadi 2 jam! huhu. tapi xper2... yg penting i got my fav task for the upcoming event. excited giler dpt involve dalam international conference again. weee. nnti i'll update about this ye. tggu keje2 1st phase berjalan lancar dulu (^__^)

Pastue ade Innovation Expo kat UM.. xdelaa bz sgt pon.. saje isi mase lapang. hahah.. but still, i managed to get my haircut done walapun kead agak hectic! siap buat treatment skali. yuhuu.. berjaye jugak seperti yg dirancang. well, kali nie i went to Derrick&Team Hairdressing... superb!! very recommended :)

and.... yang paling penting skali ialah misi ke Low Yat! sesi mencari new hand phones for abah dan mama berjaye juge. siap borong 400GB ext HDD skali! Samsung HDD tapi casing biase jerlaa. 400GB for MYR180!! huhu.. okaylaa tue kan? dulu beli dekat MYR200 dapat 80GB jer.. giler shopping. kopak mak!!

alaa.. phone biase2 je pun.. beli mengikut demand abah & mama :)

Aktiviti selingan --- haruslah bab MAKAN!! wajib okeh. hehe.. it was my 2nd time eating out at Vivo. not bad laa.. lurve the fresh juices. very rejuvenating ;)

my lunch and dinner for the day -- nyum2 ;)

and as usual... my antibody hasn't been good to me. lepas baik sakit mata.. then baik sikit drpd batuk2 (still batuk2 lagi sbnrnye.. huhu), now sakit telinge pulak. haishhh.. susah betul jadi saye nie kan. sakit je keje. gi hospital tuk rawat diri sndri malas.. asyik bawak org tuk appointment kat hospital xpun gi lawat org jer. hehe.. padanlaa muke tue kan? xperlaa.. i will find some time to do proper check up. harapnye berjayelaa realisasikan perkara yg satu nih. Ameen

hurm.. itu jelaa citernye.. xde yg menarik pun kan? huhu. kaylaa.. gtg.

p/s: tibe2 teringat ade seorg hamba Allah nie pernah tulis dalam blog dier yg dier x suke org2 yg post aktiviti harian kat dlm blog. kire mcm sesi menghentam gaklaa.. (konon2 x berfaedah laa.. itu laa, inilaa). Well, there will be times that i would like to talk about the stuffs that i did. nie my blog kan.. so ikutler i nak tulis ape pun. x gitu? kalau rase x suke or allergic nak bace.. harap jgn teruskan ye.. huhu :p

Till then.


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