lagi lagi kereta
July 29, 2010
Memang x boleh lari laa ngan topik kereta.. sebabnye eveytime borak ngan boss sure kuar pasal kereta. Mule2 borak pasal isu2 semase... then his latest City... pastue masuklaa pulak bab kereta2 baru :)
This time dier tunjuk 3 latest model for Hyundai pulak - Avante (Elantra), Verna (Accent) and Sportage... Avante and Verna will be launched kat Malaysia end of this year kot.. giler sungguh... superb!! cun melecun... gerammm... kalau byk duit dh lame rembat satu (eceh.. perasan jela... nk beli Mazda 2 hatchback pon x lepas2 lagi... keep on dreaming laa Achik oii... hahaha :p)
Anyway, silelaa cuci mate sendiri ye :)
New Avante - smart! and smart!
i love the front.. macam latest Civic.. belakang pun cun :)
see... now tell me how come i x tempted? tergoda gilerssss. cun sket from Forte :)
skali tgk comel sungguh.. cam muke Nemo.. haha... logik ke?
Verna (new version of Accent)
i like the rear design... mcm BMW sket (maklumlaa.. ade cite2 terpendam nk beli BMW. hahaha)
Wah... Hyundai makin maju.. i heard Hyundai dah take over KIA.. so lepas nie sume kete Hyundai ngan KIA sepesen jelaa kot.. good.. good... sangat suke sebab diaorg nie very competitive especially bab design. So, Honda and Toyota.. do watch out ya ;p
Anyway... as for Sportage.. rupe dier mcm CR-V mix ngan BMW X5... sileleaa google sendiri xpun check HERE (where i got these pix... credit to the website. hehehe)
Till then,
p/s: cakap bukan main lagi kan... ade ke duit nak beli? hahaha... duit memang xde... so cuci mate jelaa :p