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lagi lagi kereta

 July 29, 2010


Memang x boleh lari laa ngan topik kereta.. sebabnye eveytime borak ngan boss sure kuar pasal kereta. Mule2 borak pasal isu2 semase... then his latest City... pastue masuklaa pulak bab kereta2 baru :)

This time dier tunjuk 3 latest model for Hyundai pulak - Avante (Elantra), Verna (Accent) and Sportage... Avante and Verna will be launched kat Malaysia end of this year kot.. giler sungguh... superb!! cun melecun... gerammm... kalau byk duit dh lame rembat satu (eceh.. perasan jela... nk beli Mazda 2 hatchback pon x lepas2 lagi... keep on dreaming laa Achik oii... hahaha :p)

Anyway, silelaa cuci mate sendiri ye :)
New Avante - smart! and smart!
i love the front.. macam latest Civic.. belakang pun cun :)

see... now tell me how come i x tempted? tergoda gilerssss. cun sket from Forte :)

skali tgk comel sungguh.. cam muke Nemo.. haha... logik ke?

Verna (new version of Accent)

i like the rear design... mcm BMW sket (maklumlaa.. ade cite2 terpendam nk beli BMW. hahaha)

Wah... Hyundai makin maju.. i heard Hyundai dah take over KIA.. so lepas nie sume kete Hyundai ngan KIA sepesen jelaa kot.. good.. good... sangat suke sebab diaorg nie very competitive especially bab design. So, Honda and Toyota.. do watch out ya ;p

Anyway... as for Sportage.. rupe dier mcm CR-V mix ngan BMW X5... sileleaa google sendiri xpun check HERE (where i got these pix... credit to the website. hehehe)

Till then,

p/s: cakap bukan main lagi kan... ade ke duit nak beli? hahaha... duit memang xde... so cuci mate jelaa :p

Sixth Sense

 July 27, 2010

Call me superstitious or whatever.. but still.. deep inside my heart i do believe that each and everyone of us have a sixth sense. Well, sometimes we do have the ability to sense people's bad attention towards us or perhaps we might sense some bad luck. May it happens to ourselves or people that we loved. Actually, it's more to our intuition.... dalam hati sure ade rase tak sedap je... rase x senang duduk gituh (rasenye ramai je yg penah experience mnde nie.. kan?)

Dunno where to start.. currently I'm observing the situation... banyak sgt mnde yang terlintas kat fikiran nie mula menunjukkan kebenarannya. It seems that i do feel the right thing (uhh... ade sixth sense jugaklaa ye saye nie? huhu). Ape mendenya yang difikirkan tue mungkin x sesuai diceritakan di sini (well.. some things are better left unsaid. am i right?). Hurm... harap2 cepatlaa masa2 genting berlalu. Praying for better and bright days ahead. Aamen :)

p/s: mode tgh giler Benci Bilang Cinta (eventho tau citer nie cedok citer Princess Hours... tp sbb saye mmg peminat tegar Princess Hours.. jadi saye layankan juge citer nie. huhuhu)... fell in love with Dimas Subekti.. so cute and romantic.. urghhh.. gerammmm (^__^)



 July 21, 2010

Hi there,

How's ur day? Well, i'm still occupied with my sketching work. Now that i found a simple software to make a dress... i spend most of my free time hooked on THIS  site. (kalau lukis sendiri rase cam x bape nk kemas.. tgn x bedung ler katekan.. hahaha) interesting? no? ;p

So.. here's some of my 'sketch'.. using same basic.. and same accessories (malas nak edit byk2... just edit here and there to get the look i wanted)






Okay.. cukuplaa empat dulu... kang kejung uols nk tengok. heheh.. So, mane satu yang paling menarik hati?

Sile hantarkan undian anda ke..... 12345... hehehe :D

Till then


 July 17, 2010

Well, i'm in the midst of doing some sketch works.. tapi cam kekeringan idea plak. huhu.. first of all, none of the pics here are mine.. thanks to Mr.Google... found these beautiful sketches on the net (belong to its respective owners. i'm sorry, i cudn't remember the sources since i saved it long time ago).

Tibe2 tukar course masuk fashion design ke? huhuhu.. tak jugak. saje mencari idea tuk baju sendiri.. nnti senang nak hantar kat tailor. hahaha... nak bergaye sakan pulak ke? buang tabiat plak.. wahhh... x hengat dunia :p

Hurm... ideas... ideas... keep it coming :)

Suke maxi style.. but then, saye nie jenis bonsai, cam x sesuai je pakai yg labuh2 gitu.. alahai :(

Syiok tgk gambar2 yang ade. sume pon menarik. apsal diaorg nie lukis cantik2.. tp bile turn saye lukis sumenye hancuss? ahahaha... xper2... nnti saye tunjuk my final sketch ye. dah siap nnti i'll post it here.. hehe... in the meantime, enjoice laa gambar2 yg ade. chiow chin chowww... Have A Great Weekend!

p/s: mode tgh rindu kat org.. hahahah :p

2 + 1 opsss.... 2 IN 1

 July 13, 2010

Today is a little bit confusing..... everything seems blurred to me....

I'm working like a snail.. sume pon jadi slow.. lambat pick up.... ntahnye.. sampai nk makan pun ketaq tgn.. apesal ye? side effect ubat kah? uhh. low blood pressure + allergic sinus yg ntah ape2 nie.. my nose keeps feeling oily. rs bleh perah2 minyak tue wat goreng ikan.. duh :(

Anyway, sekarang nie otak tgh ligat mencari idea... (walaupun tgh blur2 terpakse gak kerah otak nie berfikir) penat rupenye bile plan 2 events at one time. sume preparation kena berjalan serentak. haihh. sumtimes rasa x tahu nak dahulukan yang mane satu. helpppppp!!! kejung dah otak. hahaha.

Disebalik preparation yg menimbun tue sempat juge saye membuat sesi memborong kain with my mum and besties. yeay! akhirnye berjaye gak hantar baju kat tailor sebelum puase. almaklumlaa, sume org dh berpusu2 hantar baju raye.... kang naye saye xde baju baru tuk raye nanti :p

Sambil2 berpusing cari kain.. sempat jugak masuk bookstore.. and look at what i found!

jeng... jeng.. jeng....

NOVEL LAGENDA BUDAK SETAN! yehuuu... ade org buat special request nakkan novel nie. jenuh mencari since last month, akhirnye jumpe jugak. (nie beli tuk ganti novel org itu yg hilang ntah ke mane -- err, bukan saye yg hilangkan ye. katenye novel LBS byk kenangan pade dier... huhu.. minat sgt kat Ayu ek? xpun perasan jadi Kasyah :p)

Well, blum pass lagi novel nie kat org itu.. rasenye nak try khatamkan dulu. lame benar x bace novel esp novel LBS nie. bertahun2 dh tinggal sampai terlupe jalan citer dier (samelaa juge kaedahnye dengan ape yg terjadi kepade rumus2 maths, kimia dan juge fizik yg penah dipelajari dulu.. tue blum masuk bab sejarah ke.. geografi ke.. otak dh berkarat.. hbs sume info ilang.. hahaha :p)

So... dalam kelam kelibut dan juge rase blur yg amat menebal.. saye berjaye gak settlekan few things untuk events mendatang. clap clap to myself! haha :p Ape mendenye? kite citer nanti ye...surprise....

and... lastly.. sebelum saye say goodbye... ini dier bling2 yg dijanjikan dulu.. hehe :D

tenkiu soooo much.. erm, cincin macam nie ape tandenye ye? huhuhu :)

p/s: seronok tgk member2 berderet bertunang and berkahwin... wahhhhh... bilelaa nak sampai turn saye ye? ish.. ish. tetibe rase tak sabar plak. haha. tapi nak buat gane kan. S.A.B.A.R... eventually, my turn will come... someday ya.. someday. Insya-Allah :)

Bulan Julai Bulan Berjalan

 July 7, 2010

Yup! The countdown has started. Yehuuuu... can't wait! (^______^)

Phuket.. here i cooooome (ehh.. blom lagi daaa :p)

Well, after the short-tiring-and yet fun Great Singapore Sale Trip.. i'm looking forward for another trip. Then i might heading back to Singapore (ade hutang yang belum langsai di beberape outlet.. hehehe :p). Punyelaa penat pegi day trip.. sampai je sini terus demam. Nie pun x baik2 lagi. Really hope that i can recover soon. Kalau x sehat x bestlaa nak berjimba sakan after this. huhuhu =}

 Their double decker bus

ION Orchard

So.. trip haritue just covered Orchard Road. Name pun day trip kan. 5 hours spent at the perfumes shops (almaklumlaa.. dh jadi tokey perfumes pulak.. hahaha)... then pegi TANGS... pastue terus heading to ION Orchard since we ols already running out of time. X sempat nak singgah Wisma Atria & other complex nearby. Takpe2.. simpan dulu. Insya-Allah, 2nd trip bakal menyusul. hehehe... (next time haruslaa buat overnight trip. so baru syiok keluar masuk kedai including ke Mustaffa Centre and Takashimaya. hehehe) doa2kanlaa ye semoga ade bajet yg terlebih or rezeki terpijak xpun tersepak mane2 ke. barulaa ade harapan nak pegi sane lagi :D

Charles and Keith

one of my favorite outlet. but sadly cudn't grab anything from there (either xde yg berkenan xpun xde size.. uhh.. sadis tul)

Well.. hasil daripada day trip ke Singapore hari tue.. adelaa gak 20kg luggage (x padan ngan datang berlenggang kan? hahaha). Hamek ko!! Shopping tak hengat. Tengoklaa trip bulan 9 ke Indonesia nanti macam mane. Konfem lagi havoc and menggilerkan... almaklumlaa bertemankan lagi 6 org yg sesungguhnye shopaholics juge. hahahahah

Hasil shopping (wat gempak je tue.. most of it barang order :p)

Sekian saje laporan saye. 

Update terkini: masih lagi demam, selsema dan juga batuk2.. doakan saye cepat baik ye. huhuhu. TQ :)


Leaving on a Jetplane...

 July 3, 2010

Today IS the Day! Yeay!!

I'll be leaving for Singapore in about 6 more hours. Already had SGD1k with me to shop and shop.. and CHOP! .. kalau x cukup gak tuk bershopping, please slap me on the face! huhuhu.. giler.. giler (urghh.. apparently this trip will chop and chop my savings for Phuket! helpppp!)

Hopefully i'll be back with lots of treasure! (treasure laa sgt kan sebab dah berjaya mengeringkan poket2 yang ade. uhh.. bukan takat kering, tapi dh koyak rabak.. hooho) Shud haunt the great ones okeh... yang penting puas hati! (oh.. and dozens of piccas :) -- yelaa.. if wanna say thousands nmpk exaggerate laa pulak kan :p)

Pape pon... semoga hari ini berjalan dengan lancar. Amin (^_^)

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