Hi lovelies,
Hari ni nak sambung cerite trip Australia. So, this is the finale of my Perth report...and of course --- the best part of the trip! It's about Rottnest Island -- Western Australia's premier island gateway and very popular for its picturesque sceneries, fine beaches and spectacular bays. Doubt it? Let the pictures do the talking......
Okay.. gambar kat atas cilok from website.. yg bawah nie baru snap sendiri.. hehe.. almaklum, kamera bukan DSLR.. kalau quality kureng sket harap maklum ye :)
pristine bay and white sandy beach
The name of Rottnest came from Quokka. The person that found the Island mistakenly took Quokka as a big rat. Hence he named the Island as - "Rat's Nest" or Rottnest in Dutch language
Back to the story!
We departed from Fremantle Northport Terminal to Rottnest Island by taking Rottnest Express. You can choose to take day tour or hire snorkeling gear and bicycle before you depart (this will be included in your ticket fares). Since we are not good at snorkeling, we just took the bike (yelaa... dia bagi goggle je, no flippers, no life jacket. so x yakin benor nk snorkel kat situ... huhuhu). Our tickets to Rottnest + bike hire cost us total of $170. Oh ya, please bear in mind that there is no car on Rottnest Island. To explore the island, you need to take their tour bus/tram or use bike. If you love challenge, do experience biking! Just make sure you bring lots of water, hat, sunglass & SUNBLOCK!

We arrived at Thomson Bay and our bikes were given there. We never thought that we need to cycle uphill and downhill along the circuit road. It's 24km round trip!.. and to make it worse, there is no drinking facilities outside the settlement. We were totally unprepared and unaware of the route but luckily we managed to get to the places we wanted to visit (i.e Parker Point, Salmon Bay and Wadjemup Lighthouse).
at Parker Point
Wadjemup Lighthouse.
The lighthouse was our turning point, i think we already cycled about 5km when we reached there. We was very exhausted and we don't have much water left to continue our ride. Plus, if we continue till the end point of the island, we will be running out of time to get on our ferry back. Overall, we cycled more than 10km that day! We were satisfied enough to get to the lighthouse and enjoy the scenery since there were few times that I nearly gave up (dahlaa i ade asthma, pastue lame giler tak workout. tup2 kena bawak mountain bike kayuh naik turun bukit.... dengan panas terik, air x cukup, kaki lenguh, punggung pon sakit..manelaa x rase down kan.. huhu)
On the way back to Thomson Bay, we passed through few lakes (i.e Herschel Lake and Pearse Lake). We spotted few wind turbines. The scenery was nice since the water look pinkish (it is salt lake.. i think the reflection from the sunlight made the water look pinkish). Sadly the water didn't turned out pink in our camera.
After we took our lunch (and definitely few bottles of water), we decided to go at The Basin which is one of the best beaches there. We spotted Bathurst Lighthouse and group of quoakkas along the way to The Basin.
The Basin
where most people swim
what about us? we do sunbathing! hehehe. swim sket2 je. tak tahan panas terik
We spent some time soaking ourselves in the water and enjoyed sunbathing at The Basin. After we took our shower and changed our clothes, we went back to Thomson Bay to take our ferry. Lepas sampai Fremantle terus terbongkang kat apartment. huhuhu. Pape pun, Rottnest Island definitely the best place we visited throughout our Perth trip!
beside the sweet memories, we went back half burnt! blame me, i forgot to bring the SUNBLOCK! :p
Despite of the ups and the downs throughout the trip, we are looking forward to visit Perth again. Perhaps we can explore other places like Mandurah and Rockingham where we can get to see the dolphins! hehehe.. :D Anyway, if you need more information on Rottnest Island or Perth.. feel free to visit HERE (Perth's official tourism website).
Till then.