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The Royal Wedding: Kate's Dress

 April 30, 2011

Hi lovelies!

Sure uols sume dh puas cuci mate tengok wedding Prince William & Kate Middleton kan? I plak lambat giler catch up ngan Royal Wedding nie. Sampai rumah pun dh pukul bape. Letak2 beg je terus bukak laptop then search video ngan gambar. Almaklumler takde mase nak ngadap tv. (maybe ramai dh review.. tapi i nak letak gak! hihi :p) 

Anyway, i love Kate's dress. Tapi skali imbas nampak very similar with Grace Kelly's dress. But still, very simple and yet stunning!  Dari dress, tiara, handbouquet sampailaa ke make up, sume nampak very simple. Takdelaa sophisticated sgt kan? Sgt bijak pilihan Kate.  FYI, i x penah suka Kate ni.. tapi gaya dia on her wedding very pleasant. Memang ada gaya  puteri laa org kate. hehehe. Well, cakap byk2 pun x cukup, baik kite cuci mate :)

Bukan bride's dress je yang cantik, bridemaid's dress pun jadi perhatian! Tak caye? Cube tengok cantik ke tak.....

Very nice isn't it? Nanti uols sekalian B2B blehlaa amik idea from their dress. Buat baju kawen vass2 gituh ek. Hehehe. Kaylaa.. till then. Nak packing, esok mau balik kampung! :)

Picture credit: AFP, Getty, Reuters, The New York Times

Till then.


Perth-fect Holiday! Part 1

 April 29, 2011

Hi lovelies,

It has been ages since I last wrote here. Seems like my life turn to be a little bit hectic nowadays. Siang busy kat office, malam attend classes pulak. Memang dah takde masa sangat nak online. I’m so sorry for that. Anyway, let’s proceed with my Perth trip report! (hehehe.. eventho citer agak basi, tapi layankan ajelaa ye). It’s going to be very short and brief (fingers crossed! hehehe). But fret not; it will be loaded with pictures! In order to make this entry a very simple one, I will point out few attractions that I think worth visiting while in Perth. I will write about Fremantle (where I stayed) and Rottnest Island later okay. Kalau entry nie panjang jugak, harap maaf laa ye.. penat dh simplified sedaya yang mungkin.

Kings Park

Actually I don’t have much time to roam around this Park since I went there on my last day.

There are 3 things I love most about this park:
  • ü  The beautiful scenery
  • ü  The fresh air
  • ü  The soft grass! Enjoyed walking on it :)

Some facts to share:
  • ü  It’s a beautiful botanical garden and serves as war memorials too.
  • ü  Very huge park, need A LOT of walking
  • ü  Nice view overlooking Swan River

For more info, click here.

 view of Perth City from Kings Park
nice carpet grass

Harbour Town

It’s a shopping outlet. Some brands are well-known here and some are not. But who really cares especially when you can get a nice dress at price as low as AUD7! Giler rambang mata okeh. But again, I don’t have much time for shopping. Bear in mind, most shops there open at 8.30 AM and close at 5.30 PM! As for Harbour Town, it open at 9 AM and close at 5 PM. Macam office hour pulak kan? No kidding! It’s a disadvantage for those who used to shop till late hours like me (most shops in KL open till 10.30 PM kot.. kejutan budaya gi sane). Kelam kabut giler bershopping. 5 PM sharp kedai tutup. Tension betul! (tapi jimat duit gak.. sebab xleh nk splurge sane sini :p). Disebabkan kalut shopping, amik gambar pun tak sempat.

surrounding @ 6 PM -- empty!

Caversham Wildlife Park

just like a baby.....

It was quite challenging to get there. When I asked the way to go to Caversham, most people advised me not to go there since it’s quite far and hardly reachable by public transport. But then, I insisted to give a try. Luckily I manage to get there as I planned. I took Family rider ticket @ AUD8 per day (for my husband and I – unlimited ride: Perth's train and bus service). It’s not as difficult as people said. The ride was easy but it took some times to get there.

Tips using public transport:
  • ü  Take train from Perth City to Bassendean (Midland Line – Platform 9)
  • ü  Take bus no. 956/955 at the Bassendean station to Ellenbrook and get off at Whiteman Park
  • ü  Take shuttle bus at the entrance of the Park to get to Caversham

Things I enjoyed most:
  • ü  Feeding the kangaroos (very friendly and kuat makan! Haha)
  • ü  Touching the koalas (super duper cute! rasa nak je cilok masuk dalam bag bawak balik sini :p)
  • ü  Watching Farm Show (very interesting - especially the sheep shearing)

Admission fee: AUD22 per adult
Operation time: 9 AM – 5.30 PM

For more info, click here (I think they already updated their website. Last time when I visited the page, there’s not much info provided)

Before i end this part...

Some glimpse of Perth City.....

 London Court

The most important TIP is.....

to collect as much information as u can before you prepare your itinerary! :)



Review: Bridal Boutique

 April 3, 2011

Hi lovelies,

This gonna be the last review on my first reception. Fret not, ade satu lagi reception menunggu 1st May nie kat Kluang. hehehe (trase cam giler kuase pulak :p) Lets go straight to the point! Marilaa kite bercerita ikut tajuk ye. Anyway, bridal boutique nie recommended by my BFF. Since saye bleh dapat segala idaman hati dengan price yang sangat reasonable, jadinya saya tak hesitate nak pilih Zaisham Bridal. 

I got to choose my own dais and my own dresses (for 1st and last reception). Even though saya just decide on the colors and designs, tapi memang puas hati dengan baju2 tue. Sebabnye material used up to the expectation. Sebenarnye saye nak baju yang lagi simple. Tapi bile dah tengok baju lip lap lip lap depan mata... terus x terkata apa :D I was charged less than 1k tuk sepasang baju bride & groom - include the accessories (sekarang tak sure berapa price, kalau berminat blehlaa tanye kat owner butik nie ye). Kalau beli kain then hantar jahit sendiri of course it will cost me a bomb! So, memang agak berbaloi di situ. Cumanya baju tue akan dijahit ikut free size then baru alter balik ikut badan sendiri. Maybe kat situ uols kenalaa pandai adjust biar sesuai ngan badan. Kalau jenis go with the flow cam saye nie.. sume pon layan je. hihi. 

Oh ye, time fitting jangan lupe bawak heels yang uols nak pakai masa majlis. Nanti senang butik nak alter baju. Saye dulu lupe bawak kasut time fitting.. sebab tue masa majlis baju still meleret2 even dah pakai heels tinggi. hehehe. Well, since tempah baju baru so kami laa the first user. Even yang nak pakai next month pun Cik Zai dah simpan siap2 so that kami yang rasmikan baju tue. Berbaloi laa kan bayar lebih sikit? Anway, kat butik tue pun banyak je baju lain. Tapi xtau nape haritue gatal pulak nak baju baru. Kan dah tak pasal2 melayang duit. huhu :p

As for the dais, i  browsed few designs yang i berkenan then try cari butik yang ada pelamin macam tue... kena2 pulak time i dok survey butik my friend cakap Cik Zai nak beli pelamin baru. So saye agak bertuah di situ sebab dapat request pelamin yang saya nak. Haritue saye amik full package pelamin (with arch & 6 walk aways). Price memang sangat murah compared to few bridal boutiques yang i dah survey harge. So if uols berkenan nak pelamin roman pillars macam yang saya pilih tue, maybe uols bleh usha kat butik Cik Zai nie.

Sangat senang berurusan ngan Cik Zai nie. Lagi2 kalau uols busy ngan keje kat ofis, so malam jelaa bleh gi fitting. Sebabnya Cik Zai ni okay je kalau pegi fitting malam2. Kan senang gitu? Tak yah susah2 tunggu weekend. So, itu jelaa yang mampu saye citer. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut, sile lawati blog Zaisham Braidal. Blog ni fresh lagi... silelaa jenguk2 ye. hehehe :)

p/s: rasa x puas je berposing kat pelamin haritue....

Till then.


Review: Bunga Telur Teddy Bear

 April 2, 2011

Hi lovelies,

For those yang follow my wedding review sure tau yang i ade utang few more post. hehehe. So, hari nie adalah hari membayar hutang sebelum i proceed ngan OZ report. Anyway, bunga telur nie memang jadi rebutan ramai masa majlis haritue. Sume orang pakat nak. Sayangnye ade 100pcs je. So tak dapatlaa nak bagi sume. Well, barang comey sure laa orang suke kan. Hehehe. Lepas majlis orang cabut teddy bear tue gantung kat handphone pulak. Multipurpose kan? Hurm, ape lagi.. lets check it out :)

Amacam, comel tak? hehe.. Comel kan. Rasenye x perlu cakap banyak, if uols berkenan ngan bunga telur ni blehlaa contact terus order kat saye. Eh, tipu jelaa.. mane gheti nak DIY bunge telur. hihi :D If nak order ke, mintak quotation ke, sile contact tukang buat bunga telur nie -- Cik Siti thru her email - ctnsehanie@yahoo.com.my (Cik Siti tak marah kan i promote kat sini? hehe)

Oh ye, alang2 dok citer pasal bunge telur nie.. nak gak promote another thing. hehe. If uols nak tau Cik Siti nie my MUA time engage haritue. Kalau sape2 berminat nak guna khidmat dia blehlaa browse thru her blog ye. 

Okaylaa.. tue je citer hari nie. Esok sambung last review. 

Have a great weekend!

Till then.


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