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Lets exchange link!!

 December 31, 2012

Hi all,

Firstly thanks sgt2 kat semua yang sudi follow my blog. Eventho blog nie xdelaa kumpul ribu2 followers but still i appreciate sume yang sudi singgah and memeriahkan blog nie. Tujuan utama entry ni adelah untuk menyediakan ruang supaya senang nak keep in touch with other bloggers especially my followers. Ada ramai yang saya takleh nak follow and visit back sebabnya i couldn't find your link. Hopefully uols bleh singgah and drop ur link here. To those yang baru nak exchange link pun dialu2kan di sini. Since this blog is not solely for my wedding journal harap2nya uols sudi laa tuk terus membaca ye :)

Selamat berkenalan... and keep in touch kay. If nak add kat Facebook pun bleh... silelaa click my FB badge kat sebelah kanan tue ye.

Akhir kata... Sharing is caring! Semoga info yang ada dalam blog nie dpt membantu uols yang memerlukan :D

p/s: i will turn this to *sticky entry* so harap2 uols sudilaa exchange link kat sini ye.

Till then.

Warmest regards,

Babyland Sale

 August 15, 2012

Disebabkan malas nak bersesak kat expo jadinye end up pegi borong barang kat Babyland SS2 je. Lagipun tengah ade sale sampai 2nd September. Sale ni focus more on stuffs for breastfeeding. Plus memang tengah nak cari warmer and tambah storage bottles jadinye memang berbaloilaa pegi. Tengah bulan puase ni mmg kurang sket kesabaran nak meredah jem and berebut cari parking. So memang x dapeklaa nak pi baby expo kat Midvalley ngan KLCC haritue. Sadis jugak sebab xleh nk borong baju cantik2 tuk baby Nia. Ingatkan nak cari baju raye tuk dia. Tapi xperlaa.. sekarang sume pon boleh beli online kan :p

Masa kat Babyland haritue tengok price macam berbaloi je. So ape lagi, rembat jelaa brg2 yang memang dicari. Then sempat gak beli ice gel.. 3 packs RM24. Okaylaa tue kan. Pastue ade gak beli socks comey2 ngan legging for my baby. Well, if nak tau ape lagi brg on sale...click laa poster kat bawah tue kasi besau ye.

Sharing is Caring :)

Till then.

Cabaran Breastfeeding

 August 13, 2012

Well, bukan senang nak fully breastfeed (bf) anak rupenye. Tapi bila tengok orang lain bersemangat, kite pun sama naik teruja. Yelaa, kalau orang lain boleh buat, nape kite x boleh kan? Alhamdulillah, so far x penah ade problem. Cabaran terbesar skrg ni nak buat stok breast milk (ebm)! Bila dah nak masuk ofis balik barulaa terhegeh2 nak mengepam dengan jayanya. Dulu sibuk belek anak 24 jam sampai lupa diri. Hihi :p

 1st batch borong storage bottles. Storage bag tue x gune lagi sebabnye setakat nie hasil pump x cukup meriah sampai boleh simpan dlm bag tue.

Macam2 kelengkapan dah beli gara2 nk exclusively bf my baby (insya-Allah..harap ade rezeki continue sampai dia 2 tahun). Storage bottles beli bkn main byk. Rasenye nnti x muat fridge. Punyelaa semangat kan. Ade yang nak beli freezer kot nih. Haha. Imiginasi bkn main ke hadapan..stok baru ciput dh simpan angan2 nak beli freezer :p

Well, ade jgk my aunties yang suruh ajar campur dengan susu formula (fm) supaya senang bila nak tinggal kat rumah babysitter nanti. Even my mum pun cakap camtu sebab dia tahu bkn senang ibu yang bekerjaya nak fully bf baby. Tapi maybe mase dulu brg2 tuk store ebm tak sebanyak dan secanggih skrg. Now mcm2 ade, so rase mcm no excuse laa pulak kalau xnk bf. But then I xdelaa orthodox taksub sgt bab bf nie sampai nak kondem sape2 yg bg fm kat anak diaorg. Kite pun faham tak semua orang bernasib baik nak fully bf anak. Tue rezeki masing2. I don't mind giving my baby fm. Cumanya selagi mampu kite trylaa bagi susu ibu. Tak gitu? :D

 Gift from my bie... Thanks dear :) Eventho this pump not designed for power pumping..tapi hasilnye okaylaa. Now I top up with manual pump tuk gilir2.

 Bila dh dok mengepam... mende ni antara yang wajib ade. Kalau tak seksalaa rase.. huhu

Skrg nie problem nak kasi konsisten sket bab schedule mengepam. Kalau kat ofis tue xtahulaa nak nyelit pumping session mase bila. Sebabnya my team mmg hectic sket. Byk sgt ad-hoc punye keje. Tapi nnti try gaklaa usaha time lunch hour kot. Tgk sempat ke tak. Huhu. Doa2kan saye ye. Tak lame dh nie nak masuk ofis balik. Huhu. **Chaiyok2!..kasi smgt sket kat diri sndri**

Till then.

p/s: kalau kwn2 ade tips nk pumping secara efektif.. hrp blehlaa share same :)

1st attempt buat Trifle

 August 7, 2012

Lama dah teringin nak makan trifle. Asal tengok je gambar trifle sure kecur air liur nih. Tapi dok tengok gambar je mane jadi kan? Kenalaa makan. Baru puas hati! Disebabkan gatai sangat,last2 try buat sendiri. Hehehe. So, nilaa dia hasilnye.....

Kire agak berjaya jugaklaa kot.. sebabnye bile makan rase sedap jer *ayat xleh blah je kan..konfiden lebey :p* Nak kena upgrade sket rupe tuh. First time buat cam comot je. Then nak try tukar bahan. Kalau kali ni guna swiss roll & peach, next time nak guna kek span & strawberry pulak. Ade rezeki bleh share ape hasilnye kat sini ye. Ntah bile nak buat lagi. Time raya bleh kot. Hehe :D

harapan untuk next attempt! haha... :p

Till then.

p/s: Selamat Berbuka!


Lagi2 Expo

 July 9, 2012

Hi lovelies,

Sejak dalam confinement nie jarang pulak ade mase nak blogging. Patutnye makin banyak mase free makin lebatlaa post kan? Nie lain pulak. Hehehe. Bukannye ape, dok sibuk usha online shop. Rambang mata tengok barang2 baby. Hari2 dok window shopping! Membelinye xdelaa meriah pon. Kalau fulus dalam poket nie meriah dah lame mak bedal sume barang yang orang dok jual tue. Geram tengok! Well, nielaa keje mommies zaman siber ye? :p

Anyway, for those yang enjoy shopping barang2 baby sure x sabar2 tunggu next expo kan? Especially bile last expo kat PWTC bulan lepas agak mengecewakan. Bunyi cam gah tapi xde ape pon! Hope next expo bestlaa kan? Well, mark ur calender if you don't wanna miss it :)

Went to their expo last May, puas hatilaa memborong. Booth byk yg best2 :)


Ade sape2 tau expo or warehouse sale yang best2 coming soon? Share pls.. Hehe :)

Till then.

Introducing.. Little Me!

 June 10, 2012

Alhamdulillah, it’s been 2 weeks since I delivered my little princess. Finally, dapat jugak tengok our munchkin ni after berbulan2 belai dia dalam perut. Kadang2 rasa cam x caye pun ade. Tibe2 my baby dah ade depan mata! (^_^) **geleng2 sambil tepuk pipi sendiri.. hahaha, dh jadi mak orang rupenye :p** Well, makin hampir dengan due date, makin berdebar2 and rasa tak sabar. Since parents dia hari2 cakap x sabar nak tengok muka dia, that’s why my baby keluar awal kot. 2 weeks earlier than my EDD! Bab kalut tue xyah cakaplaa kan.. hari nak bersalin tue baru I siap2 kemas sume bag yang nak bawak ke hospital. Selamat xde barang2 penting yang tertinggal. Hehe :)

Pengalaman bersalin tue setiap orang berbeza kot.. cumenye of coz xde orang bersalin yang x sakit kan? Mesti sakitnye..kalau x banyak pon sikit. Tapi memang rezeki I laa kot sebab semuanya dipermudahkan. Nak minum air selusuh pun x sempat okeh. Punyalaa x sabar baby nie nak tengok dunia. From the time I start calculate my contraction sampailaa delivery, everything took about 8 hours. Kira okaylaa pengalaman deliver 1st baby ni. Dengar citer orang lain sampai belas2 jam..lebih 24 jam pon ade. Tue yang cuak and gerun semacam je. Alhamdulillah syukur sangat2 sebab everything went well.

Eh, celoteh punye panjang lupe lak tujuan asal entry nih. Hehehe. Kakak2, aunties sume... pls meet my my little princess....

pic taken few mins after delivery nurse.. mata dia celik je since awal2 kuar sampailaa transfer to normal ward.

Anyway, bab pengalaman deliver tue maybe I tulis in another entry laa kot. Tue pun if ade yang sudi nak bace and berkongsi pengalaman. Hehe.. Okaylaa, rasenye takat tue je. To all blogger friends yang tengah menunggu masa nak deliver, wish uols the best! Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan. Amin :) 

lucky me! beg yang berjaya dikemas 2 hours before gerak ke hospital :p 

p/s: harapnye 3 months maternity leave nie dpt digune baik2.. x sabar nak timbang berat badan **perasaan kuat mengatakan diri ni dh susut sket… hahaha :p** tgh working for exclusive bf..now tgh blaja nk buat stock ebm :)

Till then.

Recognizing Your Baby’s Movement

 May 20, 2012

Hi lovelies,

Hari ni mau citer pasal baby lagi.. hehe. Jangan mare ye.. sebelum meletup ni sajelaa nak share mane yang sempat. Since baby dah makin besar nie movement dia pon nak makin obvious. Si kecik nie memang hyperactive especially when I attend meeting. Orang dok meeting dia pon galak nak join same :) Tapi seronok sebenarnye..kadang2 siap nampak my tummy bulging from one side to another.  Malu pon ade.. punyelaa seksa nak sorok perut ni.. takut nnti ade lak my colleague yang tergezut. Hehehe. Pape pun syukur sangat sebab masuk 4 months I dh bleh rase movement baby. So lamelaa sket I bleh enjoy sharing rase baby gerak2 ni with my spouse and family. Since my baby banyak gerak, slalunye bleh bajetlaa kalau dia dok stretching kaki ke, angkat punggung ke, kuis2 tangan ke. Jadinye senang nak tegur and borak2 ngan baby. If ade yang confuse your baby tengah buat ape kat dalam tuh, meh nak share sket info yang I gathered about baby’s movement. 

Flutters & Tapping – Usually, this is the early movement that we can feel, very similar to a muscle spasm or gas bubble. Sometimes you may feel like there are butterflies in your stomach. These feelings are also sometimes called quickening.

Kicking & Punching – As your baby gets stronger and slightly bigger, you may begin to feel some jabs and kicks. As your baby grows, these kicks and punches can become more violent and sometimes even jolting enough to take your breath away or stop you in your tracks.

Rolling & Sliding –This feels much like an inside out Shiatsu massage chair in your belly. You may feel like your baby is a little wiggly fish. This is a really fun part of fetal movement because you can actually see your baby moving inside your belly.

Tickles & Popping - It might sound crazy, but it is quite possible that your baby is blowing bubbles in the womb. Although their lungs are full of fluid, they prepare their lungs for birth by expelling these fluids into the amniotic sac, which feels very similar to a bubbling tickle in the womb.

Vibrations & Spasms - Sometimes scary and unexpected, but these feelings are completely normal. These can most likely be attributed to fetal hiccups. Fetal hiccups are unlike regular hiccups, but they have the same spontaneous reaction. It is normal to experience these occurrences multiple times a day, and even normal to never feel them at all. The baby can  be a little frustrated and disturbed by these hiccups, thus thrusting and stretching around inside, causing even more chaos in the womb.

Nowadays, I keep experiencing yang part last tue. Slalu sgt rasa baby’s hiccup. Kadang2 kite pulak yang kesian sampi pegi minum air masak banyak2 dengan harapan cepat baiklaa hiccup tuh (tapi mcm xde efek ape pun.. huhu :p). Rasa hiccup tue mcm heartbeat..tapi slower. Since kite tau yang baby’s heartbeat is faster than adult so if perut trase denyut2 tue might be sebab baby tengah hiccup laa. Some research said baby experience hiccup sebab dia tengah practice the lungs for breathing. Tapi bila banyak fluid masuk dlm lung baby, tue yang jadi hiccup. Since this is absolutely normal, nothing to worry about. So enjoy jelaa layan our baby’s movement :)

Okaylaa, if ade info lagi nanti kite sharing2 ye.

Till then.

Update @ 34 weeks

 May 18, 2012

Hi lovelies,

It’s been quite some times to find another momentum to write. Lately ni xde mood sangat nak online or menulis. Kat ofis ke, kat rumah ke..  asal ade chance tuk berehat memang akan digunekan sepenuhnya. Almaklumlaa, sekarang ni dh start experience water retention and carpal tunnel syndrome. Kaki, tangan, muke sume habis swelling. Dah macam orang telebih telan air je. Ala2 water balloon… kalau cucuk sure pecah! Huahaha. 

Stamina pon x bape nak ade nih. Dulu kalau tawaf shopping complex 3-4 jam still semangat je, now baru masuk sejam dah start semput! Nasiblaa labu, mak ngaku mak dh berat. Even mase gi last check up pun my doc terkejut tgk berat naik mendadak. Tuelaa, mase 1st ngn 2nd trimester x naik sgt..masuk hujung2 nie skali naik terus 3kg sebulan. Tahap melampau2 sungguh. Now terpakselaa berdiet. Doc suruh minimize carbohydrate intake. So, terpakse say goodbye to my favorite French fries and white bread.. uwaaaa (~.~) See, x makan nasi pon buleh naik berat badan okeh. So lps ni mau makan ape? Ratah lauk ngn makan buah jelaa jawabnye.

 3D scan @ 30 weeks - my baby yg kuat muncung. paling xtahan tangan dia maintain kat dagu sepanjag scan. memang posing abis... hehe

My mum ngn MIL dh siap tegur cakap cam x lame je nk deliver since kaki ni membengkak dengan jayanya. Pastu kite ni siap experienced Braxton Hicks pulak! Mane x cuak weh, satu ape pon x prepare. Mase sakit tuh cepat2 siapkan barang2 baby especially bag yang nak dibawa ke hospital. Naseb jugaklaa barang2 baby dh complete beli… tinggal 5% je lg kot. Yang tue maybe leh mintak my hubby belikan je bile2. So lepas ni siapkan bag mummy pulak ler.

Rasenye shopping list I sempoi je kot sbb tue senang je settle shopping.. ade few stuffs I hold je dulu. Tengok pada keperluan. Kat bwh ni I share my list ye.. kot ade mommies to be yang sudi nak refer. Hehehe. Ni mostly barang2 for baby.. barang2 tuk diri sendiri x fikir sangat pun.

Okaylaa..ade mase kite sambung cerite lagi. Till then. Have a nice weekend!

p/s: terpakse buat scheduled entry..kalau x memang bersawanglaa blog ni. huhu

Cord Blood Banking

 March 11, 2012

Hi lovelies,

Nak share sikit about Cord Blood (CB) Banking. I think many of us have heard of it. Mungkin penah dengar but not very familiar with it.. right? For those yang tengok TV3 petang tadi maybe bleh dapat some idea on CB Banking sbb ade special program on CryoCord. Anyway, heard of CB or Stem Cells Banking few years ago. Masa tue I slalu accompanied my sis pegi TMC, kat situ laa I dok collect pamphlet pasal ni. But then masa tue still bujang trang tang tang, so takdelaa nak take it very serious. Did some readings back then tapi udah dilupekan sampailaa I got pregnant.

Well, I know there are many contradicting views regarding CB Banking i.e. the purpose and benefits of it. Some people are really against it (I believe they have their own reasons). Even so, I personally think that there is no harm in investing a bit for your children future. Sama jugak konsepnye dengan insurance. Bukan semua orang perlukan insurance, but it can be a gold dime when you really need it! If you can understand the whole concept of it, you’ll know it’s not just a commercial hype. There are proven cases where cord blood transplant can be used effectively in treating genetic, hematologic, immunologic, metabolic and oncologic disorders. Definitely there are pros and cons to consider, so it’s all up to you when it comes to the decision making :)

Kita bukannya nak berharap anak kita sakit tapi at least we have options in case ‘thing’ happens. Am I right? Well, I have a colleague whom his daughter suffered from Thalassemia and currently waiting for matching bone marrow to undergo transplant. The procedures are more complicated than using CB and the cost will definitely cost a bomb! Since itu anak bongsu dia and he doesn’t want to take risk tuk produce another child (takut next baby pun sakit jugak) so terpaksalaa rely on his older son tuk jadi bone marrow donor. Luckily our company provides unlimited medical coverage for us and our family. So takdelaa pening sangat nak fikir about the cost. Despite of the fact that I shouldn’t worry about medical cost, I still look for other alternatives. Yelaa, who knows how long you will serve the company kan? Kot tetibe tukar keje ke, at least I have some back up plans. Kalau nak senang stay jelaa sampai pencen to enjoy the benefits. Huhu

Well, masa I went to recent Motherhood Expo, I x lepaskan peluang tuk visit booth yang ade to know more about CB Banking and available packages. Hari tue private stem cell bank yang join just CryoCord and StemLife. Since masa tue ade dua booth nie je so xdelaa susah sangat nak buat comparison. As usual, yang selalu membaca and buat research is me, so my hubby follows je once he gets the idea. Everytime sales person tue explain, I have to translate to him in layman words. Biaselaa, engineer mane nak faham sangat medical terms :p Finally, we decided to sign up with CryoCord sebab package dia nampak lebih menarik plus ade free gift yang best (the reason why we end up with Kiddy Relax Pro car seat & carrier.. bukan kami saje2 rembat :p) Semalam sempat jugak singgah expo kat Midvalley. Pusing2 about 30 mins je sebab xde ape yang menarik pun. Noticed CryoCord & CellSafe punye booth tapi x sempat nak usha2 lebih.

Anyway, once you signed up, you will be given a contract and Collection Kit. Payment varies on the package you choose. I amik Cord Blood package since yang tue jelaa I rase affordable for the time being. Maybe next child bleh amik Cord MSc pulak. 1st year punye payment about RM2000+, depends on type of processing and storage pack u choose. I took AVP processing and vials storage. Kalau tak diaorg guna manual processing and simpan dalam storage bag instead of vials. Tapi kalau guna bag tue once dah bukak boleh guna sekali je. If guna vials chances tuk guna few times tue much more higher sebab diaorg simpan separately. The package covers up to 21 years. If you wish to continue, diaorg akan kira and advise new rate (since CB nie bleh simpan for a lifetime, maybe ade je orang yang akan consider tuk terus simpan). After byr 1st year punye payment tuh kena pulak bayar RM250 per year (up to 20 years). Bila hitung2 rasanya masih mampu lagi laa. My insurance policy pnye annual premium pun dekat 10x ganda daripada tuh. Apelaa salahnye melabur sikit tuk anak sendiri kan?

Anyway, Collection Kit tue kena bawak masa nak deliver. So nanti letak je skali ngan bag yang nak bawak pegi ke hospital. Make sure you inform your obgyn yang akan sambut your baby tue once you signed up. Nanti ade form yang u kena pass to your obgyn tuk inform dia yang u nak buat CB collection, so that dia aware. I heard if u deliver kat private memang xde masalah nak buat CB collection sebab doctors dh biase with the procedures. If govt hospital u kena check dulu before you sign up mana2 package. Takut nanti rugi je sebab your doc xboleh nk buat collection. So better sign up once you dah decide nak deliver kat mana. Okay, next step.. nanti once admitted kena call CryoCord team to inform them that you’re ready for delivery and pass the kit to the midwife. Before delivery diaorang akan collect mummy’s punye blood sebab CryoCord akan run lab test tuk pastikan xde disease transmitted from mummy. After delivery doctor akan collect the blood from the umbilical cord. So nnti kena tggu about 2 weeks kot tuk tau result blood test and stem cell pnye count. If dapat trace penyakit macam hepatitis or cell count x cukup, you will get full refund sbbnye diaorg xleh proceed tuk store the stem cells. Ade lagi few terms & condition in the contract so nnti kena tnye habis2an laa if decide nak store stem cell kat mana2 private banks. Each bank ade T&C masing2 yang might be different from each other. Public Stem Cell punye banking pun ade tapi I heard its more macam kita donate for their research. You can dig more info here.

Anyway, since I am no expert to talk about CB Banking, I advise you ols yang nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal nie to do further readings on your own. So rasenye takat nie je yang mampu dikongsi. Ada masa kite citer2 lagi ye :)

p/s: packing for last trip..lps nie nak kena simpan passport masuk peti besi :p

Till then,

Baby Stuffs - Part 2

 March 3, 2012

Hi lovelies,

Last weekend sempat jugak jejak kaki ke Motherhood Expo at KLCC. I went on Sunday sebab my hubby got back from outstation on Saturday. Jadinye ade one day left jelaa tuk pegi expo tue. At first I didn’t put much expectation and didn’t even bring my shopping list (frankly speaking, I don’t even have one! :p so far just beli ikut mood and flow duit dalam poket..hehe). Since I won’t be visiting the next expo at Midvalley sebab nak balik Johor, so mase gi expo kat KLCC tue memang bersiap sedia jugaklaa tuk overspent. First booth yang we ols visit was Pureen. Masa tue tengok ramai jugak yang dok memborong storage bottle and usha breast pump. Bila fikir2 yang nanti ade 3 months after delivery tuk cari those stuffs for BF, so I decide not to rush things. Lagipun satu set tue bukan murah. Nak kena menabung dulu :D

Anyway, nie antara barang2 yang sempat dirembat:-

 bab memborong romper laa yang paling irresistible! rase cam nak borong satu kedai je :p
 bedding set & sleeping bag from BabyLove
few stuffs from MAM
 Kiddy Relax Pro car seat & carrier

Initial target nak spend about 2-3 hours je kat expo tue, last2 terbabas sampai nearly 6 hours! Nak kate banyak sangat booth yang menarik kat situ tak jugak tapi boleh lak we ols sangkut lame2. Adoilaa, nielaa penangan bila shopping barang baby. Memang rase excited tue melampau2. Overall banyak jugaklaa yang sempat we ols beli. Ingat nak beli cloth diapers tapi bajet macam dah burst je. So postpone laa dulu. Alhamdulillah barang2 yang besar banyak dah settle. So lepas nie bleh focus barang2 kecik macam baby punye lampin, barut, bathing set etc 

Anyway, I also bought few barang Avent mase I went to India last month. Surprisingly price kat sana is much cheaper. Mula2 memang xde bajet shopping tuk baby mase gi bercuti tue, last2 abis sume bajet pegi kat dia. So mak bapaknye x dapatlaa nak shopping tuk diri sendiri sangat. Huhu. Tapi xperlaa, bila dapat barang murah sape x tempted nak beli kan? Avent Sterilizer tue I got below RM200. Kalau kat sini dh berape dh kan? Even mase kat expo haritue pun about RM250+ if x silap (NP: around RM290). Then PES feeding bottles I beli yang 125ml & 260ml.. bought 2 bottles each. Total price less than RM100. So memang agak jimatlaa kat situ :) Kalau nak beli kat sini pun maybe I beli online je sebab tengok their price lagi murah daripada beli kat kedai. Now tengah usha Avent special edition punye bottle. Tapi tak berani beli lagi sebab ade kaler pink and blue je. Kalau ade kaler purple lame dah I rembat. Yang tue boy or girl dua2 pon boleh pakai. Hehehe. Okaylaa, for those yang pegi next expo tue selamat bershopping ye! Jangan lupa review ape yang ade. Nanti ade mase leh sambung lagi citer baby baby stuffs ye :)

p/s: nak kena start buat shopping list nie.. rase cam banyak je lagi barang belum beli.

Till then.

Expo buat mommies & mommies-to-be

 February 16, 2012

Hi lovelies,

Cepat betul masa berlalu ye? Kalau dulu ramai geng2 blogger dok galak join wedding expo, sekarang sume pun dok sibuk cari maternity/parenthood/children expo laa pulak. Well, since tgh going through motherhood journey nie, I pun xnaklaa missed expo2 yang menarik. Hehehe. So sambil2 godek info yang ade, blehlaa share ngan uols. In case ade yang belum tahu or terlupe. Blehlaa uols mark ur calender cepat2 ye :)

Motherhood Expo 2012
Venue : Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Date : 24th February 2012 - 26th February 2012
Time : 10:30am - 9:00pm

- Fitness & Slimming Beauty Services
- Maternity & Children's Clothing and Accessories
- Medical Biotechnology & Management of Infertility Services
- Natural Nutrition Food for Weaning Babies & Organic Toddler   Formula Products
- Diaper, Furniture and Toy Retailers
- Infant & Toddlers Safety Products
- Breastfeeding & Mommy's Groups
- Early Education Products
- Financial & Insurance Institutions

3rd Maternity & Children Expo
Venue : Mid Valley Exhibition Centre
Date : 9th - 11th March 2012
Time : 10am - 9pm

- Maternity Clothing & Accessories
- Slimming, Beauty & Health Care Products
- Breast Feeding & Mommy's Group
- Baby & Children Garments & Accessories
- Baby & Children Bedding & Furniture
- Toys, Playing & Learning Products
- Early Education, Training, Courses
- Programmes & Products - Food, Feeding & Nutrition
- Medical Biotechnological & Stem Cells Services
- Insurance & Financial Institution
- Photographer Services for Children & Parents
- Stroller & Gear, Travel Products
- Baby & Children Cares & Daily Use Products
- All Products & Services Related to Children
- Parents & Parents-to-be.

For Southern peeps, jgn risau ye.. kat JB pun ade expo :) Anyway, admission is FREE. So ape lagi? Meh kite pakat memborong ramai2. Lagipun ramai yang kate berbaloi2 beli barang time expo, dapat cheaper price. Hehehe :D

Mom & Baby Expo
Venue : Expo @ Danga City Mall, Johor Bahru
Date : 23rd March 2012 - 25th March 2012

Okaylaa.. takat nie je tuk hari ni. Ade mase kite sharing2 lagi ye.

Till then.

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