Some people might not know that i live in the heart of KL and passing Pudu Jail is my daily routine as i drive from home to work. I am not shocked when the government wanted to demolished Pudu Jail since i already heard the rumors few months before. Lagipun memang kerja2 nak demolish Pudu Jail nie dah started awal lagi. Construction workers dah lame bertapak kat area belakang Pudu Jail tue. So it's not a big surprise for me.

12 years looking at the empty building for nearly every day... i exactly understand when the government decided not to turned the site as a heritage site. The traffic is heavily congested at Pudu intersection... even at odd hours! Time ade polis trafik pun x jalan.. sometimes makin teruk traffic jammed nyer. So,why wanna waste the land? It's good that they are making ways for tunnels... but to build hotel and apartment? I don't quite get the picture. Who wants to stay there? (unless you are filming paranormal activities laa kan? huhuhu). Even Berjaya Times Square is 'haunted' and you can see some of the higher floors are unoccupied... what makes you think ex-Pudu Jail land won't get the same fate?
Anyway, i wish all the best to UDA Holdings. Hope that they are making wise decision on developing the site. (Ohh, but still.. i hope they could retain the entrance of Pudu Jail. Well, i still have my historical sense here. Looking at the people collecting the wall stones as souvenir after the demolition process took place really showed that some of us still value the place. So what's wrong with the keeping of the entrance? Eceh.. saye pun nak bersemangat juge. At least ade sentimental value laa kan.. hehehe)
First phase to demolished the front wall scheduled to start at 10 PM, Monday, 21st June.. but finally started after 20 minutes delay (this wall had once set a record for the longest mural in the world -- stretched about 384 meters long).
I heard there was a protest on the evening. Even wakil from UN pun datang. But i was not at the scene. Tak tahulaa nape macam tak berminat je nak pegi tgk the site. Padahal dekat sangat2 ngan rumah. Jalan kaki je pun sampai. My friend siap suh pegi tgk so bleh bagi live updates. Tapi ntahlaa.. as i said earlier, cam xde minat nak tengok.
Well, i was waiting to hear the sounds from the machines at 10 PM (berminat jugaklaa nk amik tahu kan? at least menunggu bunyi jentera2 tuh.. xpon bunyi bom ke.. kotlaa diaorg nk buat letupan).. tapi tak dengar ape pun! Maybe diaorg buat keje senyap2. Bagus sungguh. So malam tue dapatlaa saye tidur dengan lena :)
people climbing the wall to get closer look and to collect the pieces for souvenirs
enthusiast onlookers gathered on the night of the demolition took place
okay... this part already happened few months before the demolition of the wall.. they have started to demolished the prison blocks phase by phase. Lori2 memang slalu kluar masuk area belakang Pudu Jail tue
view from Berjaya Times Square (what you can see before the demolition took place)
Update from the site: This section is remain untouched. Maybe turn wall nie after the 1st or 2nd phase completed. Who knows :-?
That's all for now. I hope the demolition process will run smoothly. May they find the best solution on how to develop the land later.
Sayonara Pudu Jail ~~~
pics credit: AP Photos