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Pujaan Hati

 September 27, 2010

Eceh.. tajuk cam klasik je kan.. padahal xde ape pun. Saje nak ajak cuci mata. Dok tengok2 dais kat sane sini... blogwalking jelaa kejenye kan. Well, yg berkenannye banyaaaak giler. Yang mampunye? Nan ado! hahahaha. Bajet ciput kena wat cara bajet ciputlaa kan. Kalau x, blehlaa buat ala2 'Wedding of the Year' cam Nur Nadia anak pengasas Naza tue. Rasenye kebanyakan ladies out there sume pun berangan nak wedding camtue. Memang dream wedding laa pendek kate. Tapi nak buat camner kan... kenalaa ukur baju di badan sendiri, jangan plak ukur di badan gajah xpon dinosaur (konfem banyak ela kain nk kena guna... hehehe). 

nie video wedding of the year tuh. sangat vass!! macam perkahwinan di raja plak. telan air liur jelaa if nak buat sendiri macam ni. huhuhu. nway, enjoice! *tibe2 rase nak hire manggis for my wedding.. haha.. berangansss* :)

Okeh.. saye dah start merapu.. So, ape kate meh kita cuci mate aje (if nk cuci mende lain sile cuci sendiri ye :p).  Pics kat bawah nie antara my favorite dais. Agak2 ade tak yang berjaye dicilok tuk majlis sendiri? Well, if tak dapat sejibik sejibun pon xpe kot.. dapat sipi2 pon jadilaa. hihihi *keep on beranganss* :D

Saye sangat berangan nak dapat transparent dais camnie. kalau letak kat rumah for solemnization ceremony mmg sangat vass. but i don't think i'll spend much on solemnization since i'll be having my reception at hall (pade hari yg sama lak tuh). kalau buat garden wedding sesuailaa kot.. xpon theme ala2 dlm taman kan. even if nak bawak dais nie ke hall pon.. rasenye x mampu nak bayar. tak ramai vendor yang ade transparent panel nie... and ongkosnye definitely out of my budget.. huhu *sigh*.. so terpakselaa let go of the idea. (gambar above and below nih x ingt source.. dulu main save je)

This one sangat unique.. ala2 retro sket. again, nampak simple tapi cantek! class gitu kan. kerusi dier pon simple.. xdelaa gabak sangat or nmpk old school gler

Roman pillars dais nie antara pujaan hati. this one from ADL Weddings. dah try mintak quotation, harge for pelamin camnie around 6k++... so, saye ade ker fulus nak spend banyak tue tuk pelamin jer? hehehe.. memang x dapeklaa.. tp if sape2 ade bajet lebih.. silelaa kan. yelaa, wedding nie kan pengalaman terindah seumur hidup (ececeh.. again ayat buku teks :p). so sume orang nak something yang perfect. if ade bajet lebih ape salahnye spend tuk bende yang kite memang nak. as for me.. duit belanja mostly comes from my pocket, so banyaklaa mende yang i have to say NO eventho dalam hati nie meronta2 nak. haha.. xperlaa.. kite leh cari jalan alternatif. x gitu? :)

Yang ni plak minimal concept.. but so sweet. heart the flowers decoration (almaklumler.. my favorite color. hehehe). background pun simple.. so x nmpk serabut. kalau buat majlis kat rumah memang sesuai sangatlaa dais camnie. kalau nak buat sendiri pun boleh nie. vase leh cari kat IKEA. if nak murah sket.. cari kat kedai2 pasu.. haritue ade jumpe kat Ayer Hitam, murah gler (dekat half price kot) compared to IKEA sbb bukan kace. tapi material dia not bad, tebal jugaklaa.. xler macam plastik benor. well, tak reti plak nak describe lebih2 bab material nie sbb slalunye main bedal je beli. asal berkenan di hati.. hihihi. Of course Arma Wedding Couture ade banyak lagi design yang the vass.. tapi gambar yang di atas tue antara pujaan hati... sebabnye dais tue simple. kalau nak dais yang vass from Arma.. i choose yang kat bawah nie

Pelamin nie sangat memikat kalbu. tiang2 tue sangat cantek and rare (usually kite tgk roman pillars yang besau kan?.. yg nie slim2 jer) mmg nampak exclusive. the price? tak berani lak nak tanye. maybe range mcm price roman pillars kat atas tuh tadi. again, out of budget (ehh, asyik out of budget je.. jadinye yang mane je within budget? hahaha :p)

Yang nie pon cantek.. ala2 klasik gituh sbb ade carved backdrop tue.. (ehh, banyak pulak yang saye pilih nie temanya kuning. mau buat kaler kuning ke cik achik oii? hehe :p) Anyway, yang nie from Rass Deco. diaorg pun banyak pelamin yang lawa2. kebanyakannye memang menepati citarasa - simple and sweet! Rasenye harga pun affordable. (PR dier sgt bagus. Kak La very helpful and friendly time  mintak quotation from them)

and this one.. definitely a big YES for me.. (again, saye suke yang simple dan sweet.. tak perlu bunge penuh setaman).. eceh, konfiden aje cakap YES.. ongkosnye tak tanye lagi tapi rasenye mampu kot. hmm.. tapi berangan jelaa.. kot2 leh dapat pelamin camnie mase bertandang (yelaa.. Butik Seri Delima kan kat Johor.. hehehe). But since i agreed to follow aje plan family my bie. So ade pelamin ke.. xde ke... design sendiri ke, amik from butik ke.. not a big problem for me. Saye menurut perintah aje. hehehe. Hmm, xpun maybe leh opt this idea tuk majlis kat Kelantan nanti. we'll see how ye :)

So, cukup takat nie jelaa sesi cuci mate. Nanti kite pakat cuci mata lagi ye.

Till then.



 September 24, 2010

Hye there,

Actually, i've posted about this earlier (you can refer HERE). So i just copy and paste here again.. in case i forgot about this exhibition. hehe. Sambil2 tue leh berkongsi info ngan org2 lain. Kotlaa ade yg bace blog nie :p

Nanti blehlaa pakat ramai2 serbu exhibition nie. Nak mencari idea ke.. cari barang kelengkapan rumah ke :)


DATE: 23-26 SEP (PART 1) & 30 SEP - 3 OCT (PART 2)
TIME: 10 AM - 8PM

Part 1
23 - 26 September 2010
Exhibit Categories
• Kitchen Cabinet & Appliances
• Dining & Tableware
• Window, Door & Roofing
• Floor & Wall Finishes
• Bath & Sanitaryware
• Tiles & Stone
• Carpets, Wall Coverings & Paints
• Smarthome Security Systems & Switches
• Interior Design
Part 2
30 September -
3 October 2010
Exhibit Categories
• AV & Home Appliances
• Bedroom & Wardrobe
• Furniture & Furnishing
• Kids Living
• Water Heater & Filtration
• Decorative Items & Lightings
• Garden and Outdoor Living

Selamat bershopping dan mencuci mate ye (^__^)



My DIY Project :)

 September 22, 2010

These were my DIY project during my E-day (hantaran and mini dais). Since memang minat bab2 nie.. sbb tue decide nak DIY jer.. kalau upah orang mahal pulak kan. Kang lari bajet.. huhuhu. So, most of the stuffs done by me.. and of course ade yang dibantu oleh my sisters and BFF. Well, as i mentioned before.. bunga stoking tue was sponsored by my besties. You can check out her mum's shop punye website HERE. Polka-dots ribbon pun from her shop. Butterflies and white trays tue got from KK Home Deco. Yang beads pink and white tue beli kat Ayer Hitam.

Hantaran paling last digubah semestinye sirih junjung. Fresh flowers, sireh and gubahan pinang + gambir + kapur + cengkih (err, nampak cam cengkih) tue got from Pasar Chow Kit. Then bunga tanjung, melur, basket, wet sponge pun from there. Sanggup meredah hujan mencari bahan sampai basah kuyup. Then malam tue main cucuk2 jelah. Menjadi tak? hehehe :)
Yang perfume nie pulak dah lame beli. Mase trip Singapore hari tue. Saved a lot! Dekat half price kot. hehehe. So weeks before majlis dah siap gubah :D
Phone nie pun dah lame beli. Sampai tuannye tak sabar2 nak gune. Last2 letak kotak jelaa kan. Phone dah gune dulu :p
Kemeja ngan seluar nie hasil tangkapan last minute. Asyik xde mase nak membeli. Last2 before raya haritue angkut jugak si temok saye pi shopping. Dier sendiri yang pilih baju pink tue ye. Bukan saye yang pakse.
Ni pun hasil tangkapan last minute. Moksu my bie tolong belikan kat Terengganu mase balik raye. So berjayelaa dapat songket ori Terengganu dengan harga yang murah (design latest katenye.. yg penting ade purplish sket.. turquoise sket.. best! hehe). Actually nak buat design kipas tapi tak bape reti nak lipat... last2 separa kipas je jadi kot. haha.. lantaklaa kan.
Set (wallet + belt + pen) nie pun beli last minute. Beli skali ngan set baju tue. Cekup kat JJ jer. Nak pegi Sogo takut crowded sangat. Nanti pening kepale nak membeli. Even gi JJ haritue pon penuh manusia.. Macam semut jumpe gula!
Buah2 nie beli a day before. Some beli kat Chow Kit, some beli kat Tesco. Nie keje angah ngan alanglaa.. menambah strawberry pulak.. Tapi sungguh awesome! Nampak lagi cantik kan? hehehe. Yang menggubah nie keje my sis and frenz :)
Another gubahan by my sis and frenz. Before that dah susun.. then ingat nk include choc lollipops yang ade fonts 'SELAMAT BERTUNANG'... banyak kali try cucuk kat polisterine.. tapi asyik tak berjaya. So last2 gantilaa ngan chocs Daim & Hersheys tue.  Choc lollipops tue dibaham oleh kanak2 yang ade. huhuhu. Chocs Beryls tue plak borong kat Times Square mase pi berbuka puase ngan BFF dulu.
Cupcakes yang sweet lagi cantik nie semestinye from my BFF aka MummyBunny (okay, yang nie saye x DIY ler ye.. cume tampal sket deco kat kotaknye aje). Sebab dah tahu sedap... so order aje from her. Lagipun senang nak discuss about design and everything. Hantar aje drawing.. she'll do the best tuk ikut request. Even tak sejibik sejibun ngan ape yang direquest, yang penting hasilnye sangat memuaskan hati. So sweet and gojes dear! Rase nak framekan aje cuppies nie. Thanks a lot :)
So, nielaa kesemua 9 hantaran from me.. rasenye kawen nanti nak bagi sikit je kot. Nie macam dah banyak je. huhuhu. Paling2 pun biarlaa maximum 9 jer. (tapi kalau bleh bagi lagi sikit lagi bagus.. hihihi) Dah xde idea nak bagi barang ape (idea ade je kot.. fulus yang xde :p) Lagipun nak kena berjimat cermat. hihihi :D

And lastly... yang di DIY tuh definitely my mini dais.So untuk wedding nanti ingat ade gak yang nak DIY. Tapi x tahu ape lagi.. huhu. yelaa.. yang mane bleh buat sendiri and bleh jimat, ape salahnye buat sendiri kan? Biarlaa even DIY yang simple2 pun. Nak buat yang gempak2 macam bunga telur ke ape tak retilaa pulak. So tengoklaa ape idea yang datang nanti. Wish me luck kay. Sekarang kena all out for wedding pulak. Tick tock tick tock :)

Till then.


Happy Anniversary Dear

 September 18, 2010

Another year to create
precious memories together.
Another year to discover
new things to enjoy about each other.
Another year to build
a life rich in love and laughter.
Another year to strengthen
a relationship that defines "forever."
Happy 9th Anniversary Sweetheart!

(my engagement - 18/9/2010: credit to mun)


Eid Mubarak!

 September 8, 2010

Wishing all Muslim Eid Mubarak! May the guidance and blessing of Allah be with us. Have a safe journey! Enjoy your holiday with your loved ones :)

Maaf Zahir & Batin. Take care!

Hari nie saye nak gerak balik Pasir Mas. doakan saye & family selamat sampai ke destinasi ye.. and selamat pulang semule ke KL. enjoice ur Raya! I will be offline till next Tuesday. Insya-Allah, hari raya ke-2/3 saye akan start detox. Harap2 bleh loose some pounds. hehehe. Chaiyok2!

Till then.



 September 7, 2010

Okay, this should be the second part of my progress update (and maybe the last for my E-day preparation). I have 11 more days to go and 150 days to the BIG Day. Progress? To be honest, agak kelam kabut and menyerabutkan kepala.. but luckily preparations for E-day dah semakin organized (eventho ade saje last minute changes in the plan). Please pray for me kay. Harap2 sume berjalan lancar. Amin :)

 my working tools... nielaa notebook & checklist yang hari2 saye hadap. huhu. kadang2 mau kejung kepale dibuatnye

Checklist - Engagement

5 Trays done - Perfume, Phone, Shirt & Trouser, Choc, Wallet & Belt
4 left - Sirih junjung, Cake, Fruits, Samping (might be changed to something else. sebabnye? sampai skrg xde mase nak gi beli.. huhu :p done! his moksu tolong belikan kat terengganu. tenkiu sooo much moksu) Yang remaining nie will be completed by 16/9. Dengan penuh yakin je kan? haha... sbbnye DIY hantaran yg 5 dulang tue buat within few hours je. Rasenye if buat few days before pun sempat. On 17th tue nak settle mende lain pulak.

Considered done since sume brg2 dah lame pass to bie's aunt :)

Will DIY with family and friends on the 16th.. kena gune betul2 public holiday yg ade tuh

Collected his baju melayu already. I thought my dress siap dulu sebab dh lame hantar tailor. Tapi sampai hari nie blum bleh collect. Huh, tensen jap. Janganlaa sampai lepas raye pun x siap. Kang ade yang meraung x sudah2.. huhuhu

sneak peak of my dress. nie sebelum hantar kat tailor. kain nie dh lame beli mase gi Bandung last year. daripada wat baju jln2, baik wat baju tunang terus :p

Ingat nk wat sendiri2 je tp my mum dah booked Cik Siti (freelance mak andam.. dh lame kenal pun. so far senang keje ngan dia). hehehe. xperlaa.. asalkan mummy yg bayar, saye x banyak songeh

booked - nie part yg paling memeningkan tapi Alhamdulillah dh settle. berminggu2 bincang tapi xleh nak decide. last2nye half order kat kawan abah, half lagi pakat rewang masak sendiri kat rumah (lagi puas hati kot.. sbb tetamu bknnye ramai sangat. lagi best masak sendiri)

chocs for the kids... and of course adults pun leh balun :)

hire bie's friend. hope he can deliver the best. huhu. my camera maybe pass kat my BFF, so pandai2 diaorglaa nak snap mcm mane :)

Checklist - Wedding

Solemnization & KL Reception

Update majlis kat KL dulu laa ye. Majlis kat Kelantan ngan Johor still rancak dalam perbincangan. So xde details sgt nak update

 ka-ching!! hahaha.. tibe2 berangan nak pakai tiara sebegini rupe. aiii, teringin nak jadi Lady D ke? well, name pon raja sehari. maulaa jadi permaisuri jap kan. haha. u wish!! :p

nikah kat surau dekat rumah aje. for reception, dewan dah booked 2 months ago. selamat ade kosong lagi :)

satu hape pon belum beli except the trays and my ring. huhuhu. giler kuase x? cuak pun ade nie. huhu. maybe kirim kat my sis jer. mintak dier belikan during her Europe trip this coming November. beli barang2 murah sudehh. nak kirim LV, Gucci, Chanel, Jimmy Choo dan yang sewaktu dengannye memang x mampu. Tengah kopak giler nih. So akan kirim barang yang memang betul2 nak gune aje. Takut nanti membazir pulak (ohh.. tapi kalau ade sape2 nak kirim branded stuffs from UK and Paris blehlaa roger2 saye) 

 cita2 nak gune fresh flowers for hantaran deco mase kawin nnti. tp concept ape nak gune habuk pun x fikir lagi. hahah. keep on dreamingler :p

Actually nak buat misi memborong kain during my upcoming trip to Jakarta & Bandung. tapinye.. looking at the current situation, kena fikir juta2 kali whether nak pegi ke x. Time gi MATTA FAIR ari tue pun kosong jer booth Indonesia (ade one booth tuh mmg kosong giler. kerusi yang disediakan tue xde sape pun duduk. maknenye xde customer laa kan? ish..ish.. boikot ke ape?) maybe ramai yang x berani nk travel ke sane dlm mase terdekat ni. So buat mase ni plan for baju nikah kena put on hold dulu. 

Baju for reception dh settle. Color and design dah confirmed. So nanti nak kena update ngan vendor. Actually baju tuk sume receptions mcm dh settle. Yg KL and Johor dah tempah. Yang kat Kelantan tue my kain dh ade.. tinggal nak hantar ke tailor. baju melayu bie pulak memang dh settle. So xdelaa pening sangat.

teringin nak pakai cmnie time nikah. sweeeet! gmbr nie snap from majalah Pengantin (tp x ingat which edition)

since majlis nikah will be in the morning, menu pun simple2 je. heavy breakfast kot. so xler menjamu nasi minyak. cume blum finalize lagi nak order katne. maybe amik caterer yang dekat2 area rumah je

as for majlis kat dewan, yang nie dh lebih 20 caterers saye usha. setakat nie still xleh nak finalize. adusss! hurm, lepas raye akan start session food testing. dh ade few caterers in mind. hope by this month jugaklaa dpt finalize on caterer

kalaulaa dapat cake cmnie kan best. hehe (mode berangan)

ade shortlist few tapi belum decide lagi. will opt for natural look. x suke make up tebal2 (or at least, even tebal pun jgnlaa nampak tebal cam opera ataupun sampai berubah giler muke ni)

sebab nikah kat surau, so there will be no dais during nikah. jadinye concentrate more on bedroom deco. will work with bie starting from December. nak kena cat and beli sket new furniture. 

yang nie pun cita2 nak borong kat Jakarta. tapi xtahulaa camner. we'll see laa ye jadi ke idak nak gi sane

booked... design pun nk tunjuk kat vendor. quotation pun dah dapat. maybe lepas raye gi bincang lagi tuk update and finalize (tq to nadh dearie sbb recommend)

Initial plan nak DIY. tapi tengoklaa setakat mana azam dan iltizam saye tuk menyiapkan kad2 tue.. huhu

simple je kan? hmm.. menarik
 xpun cmnie.. simple & sweet. mampu kot if nak DIY. hehehe

so itulaa saje progress nyer. rasenye banyak part berangan je pon. haha... xpelaa.. asalkan ade drpd xde pape. anyway, my bie is on his back to Johor. hope he'll reach home safely. As for me.. i will be driving to my hometown - Pasir Mas tomorrow with my sis and abah. harap2 dptlaa balik kampung and return to KL dengan selamat... berharap juge jalan x jem. tak kuase nak mengharung jem sampai lebih 12 jam cam tahun2 sblm ni. huhu. kepade rakan2 yg lain... drive safely too okay (current update: mangsa OPS SIKAP = 58. smlm 44, dlm sehari je bleh naik 14. ish.. ish)

Till then. Be Safe!


Letting Go

 September 2, 2010


"There's a point in your life when you get tired of trying to fix everything and trying to make everyone happy. When you finally decide to quit, it's NOT giving up. It's realizing that you don't need certain people and the bullshit they bring to your life"

The Only People

From Kluang With ♥

 September 1, 2010

Hi there,

Just got back from my 4 days leave (hence the silence.. hehehe). Spent my days @ his hometown. Balik berpuase and buat sesi mencari barang kat Ayer Hitam. Tapi sebenarnye xde ape pun nk dibeli sbb byk mnde dh beli kat KL. So i just added few items for hantaran deco and beli bunge telur for reception (and of courselaa kena beli bunge and pasu for my mum yg mmg fanatic bunge tuh)

Well, first day tue sampai dh petang. Ingat nk pi beli putu bambu yang femes kat Ayer Hitam tue.. tapi by pukul 5 petang dh sold out! dasat sungguh... huhu. So after berbuka dok lepak2 jap then pegi bazar Ramadhan (at 10 pm! how weird is that?) Ingatkan bazar Ramadhan tue macam kat KL yang jual foods. Pelik gak tgh2 malam diajak ke bazar. Rupenye style mcm Uptown or Downtown tuh. Kat situ penuh gerai2 jual kelengkapan raya. Baju raya, alas meja, sarung bantal, tikar, brooch.. u name it. Macam2 ade. Ingatkan nak beli samping songket sbb tinggal satu mende tue je belum beli lagi. But since saye pergi berdua je and we ols pnye knowledge pasal songket mmg ZERO. nada! so x beranilaa nk beli. Nanti nak bargain pon susah. Kena shopping ngan orang yang terer bab2 nih. (Ade sape2 yg ade tips cmner nk beli songket?)

Second day pun xde wat ape sgt.. pi Song Mart borong CD (tensen sbb cari CD One Republic xde.. huhu) then tgk his house yg under renovation. Petang tuh pi bazar (okay, kali nie yg memang jual foods ye.. hehe. tapi pi beli air tebu je pun. makanan sume dh ade) then naik motor pusing2 Kluang. Owh, hari tue dapatlaa merase Tok Yah (his grandmother) punye masterpiece -- Mee Rebus. Superb sampai menjilat sudu! (yelaa, dh saye makan gune sudu.. xlehlaa tulis jari. hehe) Sampaikan berbuke hari tuh makan mee je. X sentuh dh nasi :D

gambar hiasan aje - time makan haritue dh x toleh kiri kanan.. mane sempat nak snap2 :p

Anyway.. balik Kluang kali ni rasenye byk spend mase berbual.. then lepak2 tgk TV.. lepak2 kat dapur. X kluar sgt pun. Tapi mmg x terase cepat je mase berlalu. Tup2 dh masuk 3 hari. Pagi hari ke-3 tuh Tok Yah kejut ajak pi pasar. Dia suh tlg drive (cucu dier terbongkang lg kat ruang tamu.. hahaha. eleh, padahal diri sendiri pon dok ukur katil jugak sebelum tuh :p). Hati dh bunge2 sbb ade can nak bwk kete kat sane. Tapi silap plak pi kejut si dia tuh bgtau nk amik kunci kete nak gi pasar. Salah percaturan nih. Last2 dier yang drive. Huh, x meraselaa kan nk drive kat Kluang. haishhh. Xper, ade byk mase lagi nk berebut driving ngan dia :p

So half drpd 3rd day tue spent @ Ayer Hitam borong barang dan juge kerepek + keropok. Ingat nak merase makan kat railway Kluang (original Kluang Station) tapi situ best makan mase breakfast. Bulan2 pose nie nk breakfast mndenye kan? But then sempat gak gi outlet dier.. melayan kopi tgh2 malam.. best2! (cume feelnye surelaa x same kalau gi makan kat railway). Masuk last day tue rase berat je nak balik (berat ati and berat bonts :p) tapi memandangkan tue hari cuti umum, so kenalaa gerak awal sbb takut nanti stuck kat highway. So by 2 PM dh reach KL. Pheww.. jalan clear (hmm.. pandai pulak si dia tuh soh saye drive from Seremban. yelaa, kalau jalan jem sayelaa yang jenuh tekan pedal kan? haha.. xdelaa.. i noe he was very sleepy :p)

Well.. apelaa yang saye citer pajang berjela nie? Humm.. just nk ckp saye rindu Kluang & JKM74. x sabar nak jumpe lagi 18hb nanti.. hehe.. Insya-Allah :)

p/s: org kate jgn expose sgt diri kite kat keluarga si dia.. betul ke? tapi rasenye x salah kan if nak mixed around. lagi senang macam tue kot. x kenal maka x cinta. x gitu? ;)


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