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Kanda & Dinda

 August 27, 2010

Saye xler berbahasa Kanda & Dinda ngan si dia.. trase cam klasik sgtlaa pulak. hehehe. It's just nak share another song that i fell in love with. Actually, it started when my Bie beriye suruh tengok cerite 8 Bulan. best benar katenye... so i went down and watched the mini series by HSBC (instead of dok golek2 atas katil layan FB). Well, since then i've been hooked up in front of the TV every Sunday @ 10.30PM! hahaha... citer tue sangat sweet... main players dier pon sgt sweet.. sape lagi kalau bukan juara Sehati Berdansa - Vee & Shidi. Citer tue seems very real.. kadang2 arguments yg ade dlm citer tue rase cam very related je ngan life sendiri (eventho lum kawin kan? huhu :p). Banyak tips yang bleh diambil from this story.. esp tuk B2B and G2B dalam membuat persiapan wedding masing2 (eh ade ke istilah G2B? bedal jelaa labu. huhuhu). Kite kan kena fikir jauh ke depan.. bukan fikir majlis je.. mende2 lepas majlis pun banyak nak kena consider. Hmm.. mcm dok promote ceritelaa pulak kan. Pape pun, enjoice!

Oh, and of course lagu tema dier pon sgt sweet! sbb tue saye post kat sini :)


150 JUTA

Untuk kali keseratus lima puluh juta
Mereka tanyakan engkau soalan yang sama
“Eh kenapa kau masih lagi mahukan dia?”
“Apa kau buta, apa kau pura-pura suka”
Di seratus lima puluh juta kali itu
Di depan semua engkau tarik tangan aku
Yang sedang buat muka kosong tak ambil tahu
Sambil ketawa engkau bilang satu per satu
“Dia mungkin bengis seperti singa”
“Tapi dia nangis tonton cerita Korea”
“Dia mungkin keras bila bersuara”
“Tapi dia jelas, jujur apa adanya”
“Aku lagi kenal dia”
Dah lebih seratus lima puluh juta kali
Aku pesan padamu apa yang bakal jadi
Engkau dan aku ada mungkin tidak serasi
Engkau sangat manis, aku ini pula dawai besi
Di setiap seratus lima puluh jutanya
Aku pun dalam hati semacam tak percaya
Apa kau lihat pada aku jujurkan saja
Terus kau cubit dagu aku, sambil berkata
“sayang mungkin baran tak kira masa
tapi sayang tahan kalau yang salah saya”
“sayang mungkin saja keras kepala
tapi sayang manja bila kita berdua
“Saya kenal sayang saya”
Buat apa dicerita
Bahagia kita rasa
Biar tak dipercaya
Peduli orang kata
Baju ronyok tak apa
Asal pakai selesa
Berkilau tak bermakna
Kalau hati tak ada
Aku lebih bengis dari sang naga
Tapi bisa nangis semata demi cinta
Suaraku keras tak berbahasa
Kerna aku rimas gedik mengada-ngada
Aku mudah baran tidak semena
Mana boleh tahan angin cemburu buta
Dan aku sengaja tunjuk keras kepala
Aku punya manja, kau saja boleh rasa
Rahsia kita berdua..

p/s: fell in love with this song :)


 August 26, 2010

Last few days, i was stunned by my high school friend's FB status. She's counting down something (eceh.. mcm sumthing fishy je kan? tibe2 sibuk jadi spy :p) Well, apparently our engagement falls on the same day! huhu... wut a coincidence kan? Bile tgk dier countdown the days.. (less than 30 days already??) barulaa trase kelam kabut. Rasa mcm banyak je lagi keje blum settle. Dahlaa preparations wedding pun berjalan serentak ( i have less than 6 months..huh, ketaq.. ketaq) Mau x pening? Xper2, checklist kan ade. So lets see how much progress i've made

ohh... saye sudah mule fenin plus rase nebes.. helpp!!

1- Sirih Junjung
2- Ring
3- Kain lace
4- Phone
5- Perfume set
6- Cake
7- Fruits

barang2 sume complete except foods and sirih junjung laa kan. senang sebab saye beli brg saye sendiri.. hihihi. tinggal deco jelaa... bab nie dh diserahkan kat Mak Jah (bie's aunt) and future MIL. tapi rasenye keje2 deco dh start sbb last week dgr2 Mak Jah dok ulang-alik ke Nilai 3 :)

1- Sirih Junjung
2- Phone
3- Perfume Set
4- Kemeja & Trouser 
5- Wallet & belt
6- Samping
7- Chocs
8- Cupcakes
9- Fruits

tinggal samping ngan edible stuffs je belum beli (plus sirih junjung). huhu.. nk kena settle before raya gak kan.  kemeja, sluar ngn set wallet tue pon br je beli last weekend. terpakse gak heret si temok saye yg tgh demam tuh gi shopping. kalau x ntah bilelaa nk beli kan? dier tuh bz 24/7. anyway, deco will be by me.. tapi satu hapa pon x start lagi eventho BUNGA STOCKING yang cun melecun sponsored by my dear friend Nor @ KEDAI NAJIBAH sudah siap menanti.  (Thanks a lot to her and her mum! Loved the flowers so much) org tulun buat bulehlaa siap cepat kan.. kalau saye nak buat sndri mau smpi taun depan x siap.. huhu

lebih kurang cmnielaa bunge stoking saye :)

DIY - will work with my BFF :)

suke sgt dias yg simple2 cmnie. tp x buat cmnie kot tuk tunang nnti. 

FOR ME & BIE: sent to tailor. will collect by end of this month
ACCESSORIES: belum ade. maybe pakai je yg mane ade.. oh ye, nak kena cari matching tudung.. mane mau cari? Jln. TAR sure sesak ngn org shopping for raya. hmm, if ssh sgt godek2 jelah my mum's wardrobe :p
SHOES: belum ade juge (bukannye ape.. lame dh x beli heels, dok pakai wedges je. my heels sume dh hancus. lgpun x sampai ati lak nk pakai kasut yg x bape proper). akan membuat sesi hunting kasut di BTS. haritue dh usha2 kat ESARLI.. ade berkenan satu kasut ni. tapi KIV dulu. maybe nnti balun jelaa mane2 yg murah and lawa (and of course heels tinggi. kalau bleh nak 6 inch. bley x? :p). well, asalkan leh recycle tuk nikah.. balun jelah. hehe.
HAND BOUQUET: x tahu lagi nak ke idak. kalau nk buat gak, maybe nanti beli je bunge kat Pasar Pudu sat before majlis then DIY jelah

i tot nk mintak tolong my BFF je tapi mama sibuk cari tukang make up pulak. fenin saye

our friends :)

arrangement by abah - menu dh selected. nak re-confirm je pasni

DOORGIFT - ongoing. will arrange with mama
PA SYSTEM - erm, nak gune ke x ek? rasenye perlu ke? huhu

so, agak2 ade ape2 tak yg tertinggal? haishh... risau pulak nih... xper2, tarik nafas dalam2... fuh.. fuh... (ehh, tue hembus nafas lah)... huhuhu (@_@)

suke gmbr2 yg focus tang cincin.. kalau bleh nnti nk soh OP wat satu page khas tuk cincin je.. leh x? hehe (owh.. nie applicable mase wedding jelaa since time tunang nie saye x bg cincin kat si dia)

okay.. now back to work! hahah.. sempat aje mengulor ke blog ek :p

photo credit: kedai najibah, kerja kahwin & mr.google


AirAsia Merdeka Sale

 August 24, 2010

Hey peeps,

AirAsia Merdeka Sale starts TODAY! To those yang planning nak pegi bercuti awal tahun depan but tak book lagi flight tickets.. here's another chance for you. Eventho price tak semurah Zero Fares Promo.. but still quite a bargain laa. 

Actually i'm looking for Langkawi tickets since dok berkire2 kalau naik bus + ferry quite costly jugak and definitely time consuming. So saje2laa bukak website AA. Sambil2 tue godek2 jugak website Fireflyz (as usual kapal terbang cinonet nie lagi mahal from AA). Tak tahulaa pulak AA ade SALE. Sekali survey2 tiket gi Indonesia lagi murah. So how? Tempted gak nih! Waduhhh.... fenin.. fenin. Mau buat detour kah?

p/s: masih lagi pening.. nak kena consult my financial advisor nih.. huhu

photo credit: AA Official Website

Bile Saye Menjadi ID - Refurbishment Part 2

 August 21, 2010

Hi there,

Wah.. bulan nie semangat sungguh saye blogging kan. Nearly everyday ade new post (ehem... padahalnye byk yg dh dikarang awal2 lg... bln nie sume pakai scheduled posting :p)

Anway.. nak sambung citer keje2 refurbishment bilik. I found THIS website at one of the B2B's blog that i followed (tp siyes lupe jumpe katne. sowie.. but thanks sgt2 ye).. huhu. Macam2 idea leh dpt kat situ..siap ade designing tools lagi. Superb lah!

Meh nak share some of the pics posted at the website. Cantik2 kan users lain deco? saye nk deco cam nie mmg out lah. Nape? nantiler saye citer :p

theme nie very soothing... maybe leh gak cilok sket idea from here. hehehe
 this one very simple tapi nmpk smart
 owh.. i heart the colorful concept - esp the butterflies!
this one pun sgt simple and nice

So, did i try the designing tools? hehehehe. Yups.. i did.. tapi tengoklaa sendiri hasilnye :p

Okay.. ade sedikit kesilapan teknikal di sini... saye x sempat nk figure out how to turn the pics to 3D.. huhu.. baru save pics yang ade nie.. terus tertutup window nyer. Tak laratlaa pulak nk re-do the whole thing again. So layan jelaa pics yang nan ado nie ye :D

 saje x letak big wardrobe since the room dh ade built in wardrobe
 my rough idea... concept dier lebih kurang camnielaa kot.. purple and white. 
harap2 blehlaa buat simple mcm nie. xnak bilik serabut byk2 brg. huhu

So camner? bulehlaa daripada xde pape kan? hihihi. kalau rase ade mase free and minat nak jadi ID yg tak bertauliah... silelaa godek2 software yg ade tuh :)

Have fun!



 August 20, 2010

Hello lovelies,

I've been looking for cheap flight tickets for my upcoming Singapore trip when i stumbled into THIS website. Yehuu... been smiling all the way... thinking of the cash flow for this month and ahead. hihihi. (senyum ada makna tuh.. gumbira tapi risau) spending bagai nak rak.. sabar jelaa kan.. Eh, back to the story......

Jeng.. jeng.. jeng......

 I have good news for you... MATTA FAIR 2010 IS BACK!

photo copyright: MATTA website

sape2 nak cari travel package best2 or flight ticket murah2.. ape lagi.. silelaa serbu PWTC nanti ye. 

for more info, please click the title of this post or the link above ya ;)

p/s: there will be about 97 exhibitors and the exhibition spreads from HALL 1 to 3. ape lagi? sileaa dapatkan the best bargain for yourself. good luck to all... and to myself. hehehe :D



The rest of my life.....

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"

Agreed? No? huhuhu... tapi rasenye sure ramai setuju. kalau x, takdelaa excited B2Bs out there yang rajin blogwalking mencari idea or blogging about their preparations even at odd hours kan? ehemmm... merujuk kepade kes ini, including ME jugaklaa kan (not specific to this post ye). hehehe :)

psst.. really love this pic - serina & gavin. photo credit: kudegraphy

Well, guys pun excited jugak.. cume maybe tak ramai yg jenis menulis. so we don't see much of guys blog citer hal2 kawen. tapi of coz diaorg pon excited.. tue yg keje cam nak giler kumpul duit. kan? kan? ;)

Sekian saje nukilan hati

Till then


p/s: tengah boring sebenarnye, nak cari idea tuk invitation cards tapi internet asyik sengalss pulak.. so buatlaa detour ke blog. hehehe :p

Another Month To Go

 August 18, 2010

Starting from today... it's officially a month left till my engagement :)

and i have less than a year 1/2 year to become SOMEONE's wifey... ehh.. cam x caye je (sile tepuk2 dahi... xpun cubit pipi sendiri :p) To my dear friends, terjawab sudah ye teka teki saye.

Phewww... (^__^)

Yups... date telah pun ditetapkan -- 18th SEPTEMBER 2010 (falls on our 9th anniversary some more.. uhhh... sangat2 teruja okeh *sengih sampai ke telinge*). Date nikah pun dah ade. tapi itu kite simpan kemudian ye. FYI, majlis merisik telah pun selamat diadakan on 26th June. gambar2 x byk pun.. so mmg x sempat nak share kat mane2 except gambar cincin that i've posted in earlier entry **bling.. bling** :)

kepade buah hati terchenta... "Walking the path of life together, i pledge my heart to YOU. in smooth or rough days, in joyful or hard times and for living all the beautiful moments of life to the fullest. LOVE YOU TILL THE END. Sayang BIE banyak2! XOXO" (okeh.. saye x penah wat confession hati kama kat public.. even gambar si dia kat FB pun bleh kire ngan jari.. jadi kali nie kire exception sketlaa ye. bagiler can kat saye nak jiwangss skali skale. hehehe)

We've been thru A LOT! especially saat-saat terakhir nie. banyak sungguh dugaannye. (internally and externally.. ade jugak dugaan yang ongoing sampai skrg. harap2nye dapatlah dipermudahkan segala urusan kami) Alhamdulillah we managed to hold on together and stay strong eventho at some point we felt like giving up. We've been through thick and thin for 9 wonderful years. Adelah jugak tahun yang macam azab but we take it as a learning phase.  Ade tahun yang main2, ade tahun yang sangat happy, ade tahun yang sangat sedih, ade tahun yang sangat struggle.. macam2 ade... tapi walau ape pun.. I HAVE NO REGRETS.  I've learned a lot and going through the hardships with YOU really changed me to a wiser and stronger person. Insya-Allah. I am very thankful for what He granted me in my life, He gave me a great companion who completes me :)

Banyak yang we ols belajar about each other.  Part yang paling mencabar is when you learn to adapt ngan perangai masing2. We sacrificed a lot bile kite start belajar to give and take. but at the same time kite pun banyak menerima from the other party (sometimes kite tak sedar. ade mase kite rase macam kite je yang banyak memberi dan mengalah. but believe me, our spouses are doing the same thing too)

Anyway, saye nie bukan sape2 nak bercakap pasal relationship. Sume org pun ade pengalaman masing2. Saye just share sikit2 tentang pengetahuan yang ade jer.  Takde great tips pun... except WORK HARD & COMPROMISE A LOT! (sepanjang 9 tahun, nielaa yg saye belajar. banyaklaa lagi mnde2 lain nk kena adapt in the relationship kan? tapi those two among the crucial ones laa i guess). When we decided to share our lives with someone else, the very first thing to learn is to COMPROMISE. nak x nak memang kena gak buat mnde nih.

Percayalah, even you've been together for a long time pun.. there's always a new thing to learn about each other everyday. We have our whole life to learn... and i'm looking forward for each and everyday of it (ehem... gatal ye? x sabar nampak :p) Anyway, harap2 hari yang mendatang dipenuhi dengan rasa aman dan bahagia. Minta dijauhkan dari rasa iri hati dan hasad dengki  orang lain.

Doakan kami ye. Semoga jodoh kami berkekalan ke akhir hayat dan dipermudahkan jalan untuk kami bina hidup bersama. Semoga perjalanan majlis nanti berjalan lancar. Ameen :)

TQ soooooo much. XOXO


p/s: baiklah, saye tau entry kali nie agak bunge2... and ayat2 macam dalam buku teks.. tapi abaikan jelaa ye... biaselaa, dalam hati ade taman. sebab tue ayat pun jadi cmnie. well, since kami maybe x macam couple2 lain yang selalu jumpe.. harap2 tahun nie (which may be our last year berpuase as org bujang.. hehe) dapatlaa kami berbuka same2 byk kali sket. biasenye setahun adelaa 1 or 2 kali je berbuka same. sadis x? name je same2 dok kat Klang Valley. kami xde mase sgt nak dating. sorang free, sorang sibuk... bergilir2 sibuknye... xpun dua2 sibuk (kalah PM pulak kan, nak jumpe pon kena buat appointment). pape pun, can't wait for next iftar together :)

Remain calm and forgiving

 August 17, 2010

Forgiving is love's toughest work, and love's biggest risk.  If you twist it into something it was never meant to be, it can make you a doormat or an insufferable manipulator.  Forgiving seems almost unnatural.  Our sense of fairness tells us people should pay for the wrong they do.  But forgiving is love's power to break nature's rule.  ~Lewis B. Smedes

I've been keeping myself calm for the past two years and at some point i just can't bear it anymore. All i can think is to give up everything that I've worked for. But luckily He knocked some sense into my mind and i managed to get myself together and passed through this turbulence time. I've been praying that He will gives me more strength and wisdom to deal with this situation. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan hamba-Mu ini.....

What I've been keeping to myself is almost unimaginable to some people especially to those that very close to me. It's too much of giving in... too much of holding the anger and frustration. But since i'm not the "tell-it-all" type, so i prefer to remain silence and try to work around the predicament in the very best way that i could. Well, i'm not going to ruin my days because of one psychotic person who persistently interfering my life's affair. So i shall not proceed with the story telling session, right? Afterall, i just hope that i can remain calm and forgiving on everything that happened. And of course, that person on the other way around, should learn how to let go and move forward. 

When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free. ~ Catherine Ponder

I know i am nowhere near the perfection. There's a lot for me to improve. I know that i've been given this test as He knew i am able to surpass this. Even though it break my heart so much, surprisingly it didn't break me as person. This test is the transition path for me to a betterment. I knew that I've changed a lot. I am moving forward... i don't want to look back anymore. I prayed for that person... may He granted you with clear sense on your mind and may He gave you the strength to move forward with your life. I hope you'll find the happiness you've been searching for and may a better life awaits you in the near future. Ameen

p/s: this might be the first and last post of this person... and to YOU, i don't need you to give a knock on my head telling me that what i did is wrong.. i am not bad-mouthing anyone here. it's just a piece of my heart (damaged one of course)... that i wanted to let go :)

Million thanks to those responded to this post thru FB. Thank you so much for your utmost support. May Allah bless your kindness. Hugs and kisses ♥♥♥


Lets do some refurbishment!

 August 16, 2010

Hey peeps,

How's ur weekend? So far i'm doing good.. Alhamdulillah :)

 main reference :)

I went to PerfectLivin' Expo at PWTC with my other half last Saturday. Belum sempat masuk exhibition hall dier dh buat lawak spastic. He asked "Ade ke barang yang kite mampu nak beli kat sini?"  I just smiled and replied "Takpe, kite tengok dulu. Kalau tak mampu nak beli kite tengok2 ajelaa. Cari idea". So kami melangkah dengan jayanya ke Hall 3 dan tanpa segan silu laid down from one bed to another bed (useful tips: if nak beli katil memang kena baring sepuas2nya tanpa segan silu. kalau tak you wouldn't know how comfortable the bed is. kalau takat duduk and rasa ngan tangan je x cukup. silelaa baring dengan position yang betul and test the pillow too. believe me, there's a HUGE different! trylah, nanti baru senang nak buat comparison. hehehe)

Anyway, to our surprise.. tilam VONO laa yang paling murah on that day (setakat yang kami jumpalaa. i thought VONO mahal. rupenye byk lagi yang lagi mahal. maybe VONO offer tilam dier yg paling murah je kot). Disebabkan most of the mattresses are imported, dats why harga dier mahal2. Tapi part paling bestnye, makin mahal tilam tue makin sedaplaa u baring. (suit the cost laa kan.. hehehe). Try gak baring2 kat tilam yang harganya berbelas ribu. Syiok!!! Nak pakai kat rumah sendiri x mampu. So dapat try seminit pun jadilaa kan? :p

nice. looks very calming and comfy :)

Well, for long term investment.. i think it's good to get high quality mattress/bed. At least you won't need to change your mattress/bed in the next 5 to 10 years. Kire berbaloi gaklaa kan? Lagipun kenalaa cari product yang bagus to support our back. After few hours berpusing2.. berbaring2 and berbincang sakan.. we end up buying NAPURE mattress + tufted bed with some embellishment (ohh.. i loved the bling bling so much :p). Berjam2 pilih tue bukannye ape. He looked for quality mattress especially for spinal care since dier slalu sakit belakang... and as for me.. of course laa cari yang cantik and murah aje. Tapi disebabkan sume pon mahal2, pejam mate ajelaa. (anyway, payment plan pun antara faktor yg nk kena ambil kira gak) Owh, our bed won't be delivered till next year. Saje tak nak mintak hantar awal2 sbb nnti leceh nk mengecat bilik :)

So, bile dh beli katil surelaa nak kena fikir furniture lain gak kan? Iniler natijahnya bile x beli one whole set. Hehehe. Tapi kami dh ade plan for wardrobe, thats why x cari set. Anyway, disebabkan rase sengals and semangat nk deco bilik... we went to IKEA pulak. We are looking for white furniture. Konon2 ala english style but with modern concept. Camner tuh? takpe2, tunggu bilik tue siap ye. Anyway, kat mane eks nak cari? CAVENZI ade ke tak ek.. huhu

am looking for 3-tiered drawer like this.. ntah mane nak cari ye

To complement the look, i wish to have a purple sofa (kalau dpt 2 seater mmg superb lah). Ade ke kedai perabot custom made? Tapi nak yang murah. Ade? heheheh (tau nak murah je kan? :p). Well, I've been very calculative ever since berkecimpung ngan planning event sendiri nih. Sume benda nak kena kire okeh. Nak beli cermin kat TESCO pun kena jot down harge. Dulu time pakai duit Pa&Ma xler rase gitu kan. Nak barang ape pun pakai bedal je masuk trolley. Now bile pakai duit sendiri baru tahu susah payah cari duit. (tibe2 masuk mode muhasabah diri kejap plak kan? :p)

owh... sofa ini sangat gojes

Hopefully we can start doing our refurbishment work on October. Cat dah ade dua tong. Tunggu mase nak start bekerja jer. I'm done with the sketching work. Lepas nie nak kena list down the cost pulak. Then baru bleh tau total damage to our savings. Huhuhu :p So dalam tempoh dua bulan nie kenalaa mencari idea dan mencari duit. Chaiyok! Semoga misi kami tercapai! 2011, can't wait to meet you :)

p/s: hari nie time otw blk rumah baru terperasan sepanjang jalan kat Federal Highway penuh ngan banner NAPURE. awat before this tak perasan eks? huhuhu


Bunga2 Cinta

 August 13, 2010

Eh, bukan nak menyanyilaa... tapi tengah cari idea tuk gubahan bunge kat dais, walkaways and main table. kotlaa bleh request nk bunge camner.. so blehlaa tunjuk contoh yang berkenan di hati. (kunun2 jelaa... tapi xper, berangan tue kan WAJIB! hihihi :p)

ikutkan hati nak je pakai clear vase ala2 IKEA cam kat bwh nie. vase simple tp bleh diversified buat macam2 gaye. x ke menarik tuh? tapi agak risky pakai vase camnie. dibuatnye tetamu penuh ngn budak2 yg dlm fasa "baru dapat kaki".. nayelaa kalau terlanggar. takkan nk letak gam gajah plak kan? adesss. tapi xperlaa.. pape pun meh kite cuci mate :D

tiffany blue... sangat cantek. ingat naklaa gune kaler nie time reception

purple! my all time fav.. ditambah ngan jurai2 kristal tuh.. very the vass!! :)

another version for purple theme... tapi kali nie campur ngan pink sket

and of course.... saye sangat suke yang di bawah nie!! jeng.. jeng.. jeng

sgt kreatif kan? tp celah manelaa saye nak borong byk2 vase cmtue. bleh dpt murah ke? kalau sejibik tuh 10 hengget lame dh saye borong 10 dozen. huhuhu :p

anyway, ade lagi satu nie.. simple..but very nice

tapi harus borong banyak jugelaa kan vase nyer.. kalau beli satu je cam awkward pulak

so, main table camner plak ye.. hurm.. nie adelaa sket contoh yang berjaye menambat hati. sbnrnye ade byk je pics yg didownload buat rujukan... tapi x daye nk include sume. so i pick the best jelaa ye :)

suke sangat. sweet and tak serabut :)

kalau gune glass cmnie pun okay gak

xpun.. ganti je ngan candles besar..  

aduyai.. berangan ajelaa kan. xper2.. time puasa nie kumpul idea banyak2. lepas raye nnti bleh start all out! :)

Till then


picture credit: KerjaKahwin, Arma Wedding Couture, Butik Dina Halim dan encik Google :)


 August 12, 2010

Menatap indahnya senyuman di wajahmu 
Membuat ku terdiam dan terpaku 
Mengerti akan hadirnya cinta terindah 
Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku 

Banyak kata 
Yang tak mampu ku ungkapkan 
Kepada dirimu 

Aku ingin engkau slalu 
Hadir dan temani aku 
Disetiap langkah 
Yang meyakiniku 
Kau tercipta untukku 
Sepanjang hidupku 

Aku ingin engkau slalu 
Hadir dan temani aku 
Di setiap langkah 
Yang meyakiniku 
Kau tercipta untukku 
Meski waktu akan mampu 
Memanggil seluruh ragaku 
Ku ingin kau tau 
Ku slalu milikmu 
Yang mencintaimu 
Sepanjang hidupku 

Aku ingin engkau slalu 
Hadir dan temani aku 
Disetiap langkah 
Yang meyakiniku 
Kau tercipta untukku 
Meski waktu akan mampu 
Memanggil seluruh ragaku 
Ku ingin kau tau 
Ku slalu milikmu 
Yang mencintaimu

really luv this pic (cant remember the source)

p/s: definitely want this song to be played during my BIG day :)

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