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Another Month To Go

 August 18, 2010

Starting from today... it's officially a month left till my engagement :)

and i have less than a year 1/2 year to become SOMEONE's wifey... ehh.. cam x caye je (sile tepuk2 dahi... xpun cubit pipi sendiri :p) To my dear friends, terjawab sudah ye teka teki saye.

Phewww... (^__^)

Yups... date telah pun ditetapkan -- 18th SEPTEMBER 2010 (falls on our 9th anniversary some more.. uhhh... sangat2 teruja okeh *sengih sampai ke telinge*). Date nikah pun dah ade. tapi itu kite simpan kemudian ye. FYI, majlis merisik telah pun selamat diadakan on 26th June. gambar2 x byk pun.. so mmg x sempat nak share kat mane2 except gambar cincin that i've posted in earlier entry **bling.. bling** :)

kepade buah hati terchenta... "Walking the path of life together, i pledge my heart to YOU. in smooth or rough days, in joyful or hard times and for living all the beautiful moments of life to the fullest. LOVE YOU TILL THE END. Sayang BIE banyak2! XOXO" (okeh.. saye x penah wat confession hati kama kat public.. even gambar si dia kat FB pun bleh kire ngan jari.. jadi kali nie kire exception sketlaa ye. bagiler can kat saye nak jiwangss skali skale. hehehe)

We've been thru A LOT! especially saat-saat terakhir nie. banyak sungguh dugaannye. (internally and externally.. ade jugak dugaan yang ongoing sampai skrg. harap2nye dapatlah dipermudahkan segala urusan kami) Alhamdulillah we managed to hold on together and stay strong eventho at some point we felt like giving up. We've been through thick and thin for 9 wonderful years. Adelah jugak tahun yang macam azab but we take it as a learning phase.  Ade tahun yang main2, ade tahun yang sangat happy, ade tahun yang sangat sedih, ade tahun yang sangat struggle.. macam2 ade... tapi walau ape pun.. I HAVE NO REGRETS.  I've learned a lot and going through the hardships with YOU really changed me to a wiser and stronger person. Insya-Allah. I am very thankful for what He granted me in my life, He gave me a great companion who completes me :)

Banyak yang we ols belajar about each other.  Part yang paling mencabar is when you learn to adapt ngan perangai masing2. We sacrificed a lot bile kite start belajar to give and take. but at the same time kite pun banyak menerima from the other party (sometimes kite tak sedar. ade mase kite rase macam kite je yang banyak memberi dan mengalah. but believe me, our spouses are doing the same thing too)

Anyway, saye nie bukan sape2 nak bercakap pasal relationship. Sume org pun ade pengalaman masing2. Saye just share sikit2 tentang pengetahuan yang ade jer.  Takde great tips pun... except WORK HARD & COMPROMISE A LOT! (sepanjang 9 tahun, nielaa yg saye belajar. banyaklaa lagi mnde2 lain nk kena adapt in the relationship kan? tapi those two among the crucial ones laa i guess). When we decided to share our lives with someone else, the very first thing to learn is to COMPROMISE. nak x nak memang kena gak buat mnde nih.

Percayalah, even you've been together for a long time pun.. there's always a new thing to learn about each other everyday. We have our whole life to learn... and i'm looking forward for each and everyday of it (ehem... gatal ye? x sabar nampak :p) Anyway, harap2 hari yang mendatang dipenuhi dengan rasa aman dan bahagia. Minta dijauhkan dari rasa iri hati dan hasad dengki  orang lain.

Doakan kami ye. Semoga jodoh kami berkekalan ke akhir hayat dan dipermudahkan jalan untuk kami bina hidup bersama. Semoga perjalanan majlis nanti berjalan lancar. Ameen :)

TQ soooooo much. XOXO


p/s: baiklah, saye tau entry kali nie agak bunge2... and ayat2 macam dalam buku teks.. tapi abaikan jelaa ye... biaselaa, dalam hati ade taman. sebab tue ayat pun jadi cmnie. well, since kami maybe x macam couple2 lain yang selalu jumpe.. harap2 tahun nie (which may be our last year berpuase as org bujang.. hehe) dapatlaa kami berbuka same2 byk kali sket. biasenye setahun adelaa 1 or 2 kali je berbuka same. sadis x? name je same2 dok kat Klang Valley. kami xde mase sgt nak dating. sorang free, sorang sibuk... bergilir2 sibuknye... xpun dua2 sibuk (kalah PM pulak kan, nak jumpe pon kena buat appointment). pape pun, can't wait for next iftar together :)

15 love notes:

kherl,  18/8/10 8:31 PM  

terharu nyer baca.. erm.. tp kurang faham..

Aya 18/8/10 9:15 PM  

owh... muncul jugak silent reader nie ye. yg mane x faham tue silelaa faham2kan :p

MunMun 18/8/10 10:47 PM  

kherl poyo...achik da wat post dedicate utk dia tu...ceh....

anyway..i pray for ur happiness...br 9 yrs my dear...still long way to go but with a new phase of life...i pray for u both to be strong, no matter what..as strong as u've been these 9 yrs....

i learned a lot too...hehehe....mr.kherl...ko jage BFF aku ni elok2 aaa..klu x, aku royal flush ko :P lalalala~

iEjA 18/8/10 11:25 PM  

sgt sweet dan sgt hepi mbacenye..aku pon xreti nk wat ayat bunge2 cm ko

anyway CONGRATULATIONSSSSS..i'm so happy for u

welcome to the club
xlame lg ko lak mengwelcome aku.hehe

arres 18/8/10 11:48 PM  

muka mungkin sama tapi gigi lain :D

Aya 19/8/10 9:12 AM  

mun.. wajib royal flush :p
hehehe.. dier saje je wat x fhm.. padahal sengih lebar depan screen :D

Aya 19/8/10 9:15 AM  

ieja.. haha... nnti aku welcome ko plak ek. dh ade date blum? well, skali skale je nk bunge2.. lain2 hari x dapeklaa :p

jores - tang gigi tue mmg aku xleh nk copy.. special benor.. bak kate kherl, kalau buat penyamaran dlm hutan sure dier terkantoi kalau dier sengih

Nadhyra Sidek 19/8/10 10:10 AM  

less than a month .. yippie !!!

kak long,  19/8/10 12:18 PM  

congrate my achik..
18/9 is harith baihaqi's 1 b'day..
nanti kita potong kek sama2 yer..
tumpang gembira jugak..
jgn lupa jemput..
to mama..tak lama lagi nak dpt anak laki baru..tahniah jugak..
kirim slm semua..

p/s: silalah dptkan mjlh pengantin bln sept secepat mungkin..sesuai utk achik utk menggoogle..

Aya 19/8/10 12:26 PM  

mummy bunny - hehehe.. jom count same2. x sbr nk pi shopping ngn u :)

Aya 19/8/10 12:26 PM  

k.long : wah... bleh celebrate ngn baby harith nie :)

nnti k.long jemputlaa dtg rumah ye. insya-Allah majlis buat petang

farizah zin 19/8/10 4:14 PM  

we have same initial!!
F & H...

thanx be my follower kat farizahzin.blogspot.
do singgah to my wedding blog..orkedpagi.wordpress.com.tq!

Aya 20/8/10 1:11 AM  

really? hehe.. nice! but in my case the initial works the other way around. F belongs to him :)

i've been to ur page. will wait for interesting updates. keep in touch

ira,  23/8/10 2:46 PM  

wah bestnye dah nak tunang. congrats in advance achik! date tu sama dgn bday bf aku lak. hehehe. btw, i like ur words "even you've been together for a long time pun.. there's always a new thing to learn about each other everyday". sgt setuju. same goes with me. aku doakan kebahagiaan korg.

Aya 23/8/10 4:34 PM  

ira.. thanks dear. will pray 4 u too :)
huhuhu.. FINALLY laa kan. penat bercinta.. hihihi

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