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Just some notes....

 November 30, 2010

Hi lovelies,

First of all, i wanna thank Cik Syahira for the Beautiful Blogger Award! This is my 2nd award... huhu.. tenkiu sgt2 ye (saye tau blog saye nie boring.. tp xper, akan diusahakan utk spice up lil bit more). Since i dh folo syarat2 penerimaan award spt yang termaktub kat my previous entry (Step 1 & 2 done);

FYI - syarat2 penerimaannye adelah.....

1) Thanks the person who give you this award
2) Link that person at your blogroll
3) Spread to 15 blogger which you think awesome

so now i have to list down another 15 blogs who deserve to receive this award too.. fuhh.. jenuh jugak nak buat list nie sebab sume pon best2... rase mcm nak bagi kat sume je.. tp cam impossible plak sbb byk gak blog listed kt sidebar nie (and diri ini takler plak ade byk followers.. kang diaorg x alert plak kan). so kali nie saye listkan jugak another 15 bloggers yg saye rase layak. If ade rezeki nnti leh bg award lagi kat org lain. hehe. Anyway, harap sape2 yg termasuk dlm list nie sudilaa terima award ni ye :D

and the award goes to:
  • MizzAmy (The Pink Dress Diary)
  • Mrs.Hana (Fairy's Garden)
  • Nizabeba (Journey of My Life)
  • Hana Yoriee (the so called BRIDE and GROOM to be)
  • Lisa (Let's Get Married)
  • Zara (My Ever After) 
  • ElyaElmo (Tentang Elmo) - we shared same layout.. tp i've edited mine ;)
  • Jazzeyra (Story teller)
  • Renee (Renee Meow's Wedding Journey)
  • Rilla (Tying the Knot) - same layout juge..  tp header u xde gmbr girl :)
  • Lala (Hanya Kisah Kita Nak Kawen)
  • Q (Another Step)
  • R-YuzSha (My Journey Begins..)
  • Rose (Dan bila kau lafazkan cinta itu untukku)
  • Eyanne (TanggalFebruaryTwentyeleven)

oh ye... ade satu lagi cerite....

Remember THIS post? Well, since i'm not used telling people about my personal life (which i think very personal, kalau takat citer pi makan2, pi travel tue xde masalah sgt kot) so i decided to edit the post and make it shorter... part2 personal tue kite kasi potong aja lah ye.. hehe. anyway thanks to those yang sudi membaca entry tue sampai habis (i know entry tue giler2 panjang.. huhu). Appreciate it so much! xoxo :)

That's all for now.

Have a nice day!


Review: Hotel Caryota, Bandung

 November 29, 2010

Hi there,

Here's another entry for my hotel review series. From Phuket Thailand lets move to Bandung Indonesia. Well, as i said earlier.. i'm not a fussy guest. As long as i can get a clean and comfy room, that's more than enough for me. Basically, you can put me into 5 stars hotel to any budget hotel. I won't complaint much as long as i can have a good sleep and nice hot bath! 

Note: definitely i'm not qualified to give star rating since i'll be more than generous to give any hotel that meets my expectation a good rating :p -- that's why i'm trying very hard to be more straightforward and linear in my reviews :)

hotel facade.. the signage

Location:  at Sukajadi district (same road as Paris Van Java Mall). Intersection to Setiabudi and Cihampelas can be reached by walking. There are bank (CIMB Niaga), spa (ZEN), factory outlet and restaurants nearby (Pak Chi Met, D’Cost Seafood etc)

Price: around IDR300k per nite - Deluxe room

 small room but comfortable enough

Room condition: Small room, overall the room & bathroom are clean, TV, Hot shower, Air-conditioner. Try to avoid the room facing the main road if u doesn’t want to get early wake up call.

 simple and clean bathroom

Facilities: great room service (the foods are tasteful and the price are not bad either), cheap laundry, they even helped me to iron my shirt (instead of sending the iron to my room), wake up call available (wake up call from the receptionist. not from the sound of the busy road :p)

 fried rice and hot tea - my selection for breakfast

Breakfast: Simple and limited menu. But hey, breakfast will be sent directly to your room! How nice is that? ;)

Extra: Caryota is just a basic hotel but the hospitality and the service are great. Whilst in Bandung all I wanted is just a nice place to rest after a long day of sightseeing and shopping, I guess I’ve made the right choice by staying at this hotel :)

That's all for now. Have a good day!

p/s: I hope my reviews can be useful to those in need of information. Since i'm an organized traveler, i always search for personal reviews beforehand (hence, i'm writing my review in english.. it will be easier for my readers from other countries. if adelaa kan :p) Reading other people reviews helped me to organize my trip better. Believe me, it does help a lot! So right now i'm doing the same favor. Jadinye saye bukan saje syok sendiri nak tempel2 review ala2 pengritik pulak.. hehe. Just sharing some info ngan uols. For full review of my previous trip, please check the labels on the right side of this blog. TQ :)


My Perfect Dream Place

 November 25, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Nothing much to say today... Just nak share few pics of a place yang saye sangat teringin nak pergi. Perhaps for a quick gateaway. Bilelaa buleh dapat ye? Kalau dapat pegi awal tahun depan best gak tuh (sending signal to someone... ehemmm :p). Eventho ade some review said yang tempat nie still lacks of few things, tapi bile tengok scenery kat resort tuh terus jatuh hati.  Since i'm not a fussy guest, rasenye kalo minor2 issues tuh bleh je diabaikan. Well, if i manage to get the best deal, memang berbaloi2 kot  spend at least a day kat resort nie (rather than spending on 5 stars hotel tgh2 KL). Fuhh... bilelaa duit berkepuk2 nak jatuh dari langit nih? Fuhhhhhhhhh (tiup kuat2 lagi.. kotlaa lebih mustajab :p). Anyway, meh kite cuci mate lagi (ish, asyik ajak uols cuci mate je kan.. hehehe)

pangkin untuk berehat.. adehh.. romantiknye. lagi2 kalau melepak waktu petang kan :p
nice pool... facing the ocean :)
 nice room... x dapat nak katil cmnie kat bilik sendiri.. pi cari kat resort pun jadilaa :p
dining place.. hmmm... bestnye makan sambil ditiup angin sepoi2 language :D

Baiklah... teruskanlaa berangan tue ye wahai diri ini. xper2.. cuci mate itu wajib! hehehe. Erm, kat mane tempat nie? Syhhhh.... kalau terer sile teka. hehehe :)

Till then.


Review: Ibis Hotel, Phuket

 November 24, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Here's my review on another hotel in Phuket. Last time i reviewed a hotel in Patong district. So, what's next? :)

swimming pool area, view from my room

Location:  located at Kata district, near Kata beach but since its opposite ClubMed (the one that directly face the beach), u need to go around ClubMed first to reach the beach.  Plenty of shop & restaurant nearby.

hotel lobby

Price: RM105 (booked through Agoda.com – green season) normal price would starts from RM150 - booking through hotel website (depends on currency exchange rate)

 simple room.. but comfortable enough
small room. note the small wardrobe & balcony

Room condition: cozy small room (comfortable enough for me, just to get some sleep after a long day out), spotless, LCD TV, small wardrobe (it’s not a big problem to me since I only brought a backpack), basic toiletries provided (better bring on your own), very small balcony (just fit two medium-seized people), mini fridge, coffee making facilities, safety deposit box, wi-fi (payable)

 clean bathroom
basic toiletries

Facilities: swimming pool, internet corner, motorbike rental, transport service etc

drinking water.. nice bottles! :)

Breakfast: didn’t take breakfast there, therefore I cannot comment much on it

Extra: check in was fast and they are kind enough to let me in early (since I had an early flight – managed to check in around 10 am). Basically this is a new hotel so every facility is relatively new & convenient store is just in front of the hotel 

For more info, click IBIS PHUKET website 

Till then,

Best Regards,

Baby Blue @ Turquoise Pilihan Celebrity

 November 23, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Lately nie tengok ramai pulak celebrity yang mendirikan rumah tangga tak pun bertunang. Alhamdulillah.. seronok tengok. Bukannye ape, best mencuci mate tengok their wedding ideas. From pelamin, hantaran, baju sampailaa ke make up! Hehe. Anyway, nampaknya tahun ni rata2 memilih baby blue @ turquoise as their theme. Yang paling latest jadi sebutan haruslah Elyana kan.. love every bits of her wedding (esp her make up! bleh tak nak soh my MUA wat cam Elyana time dier sanding tuh? suke bebenorlah rasenye. hehehe)

 Elyana during her solemnization. lawa sungguh baju dier :)

Nie plak gambar2 dier sanding... eventho xde pun kaler baby blue/turquoise, tapi nak gak share sbb suke giler gambar2 nih!

 OMG.. heart her dress and make up to the max!
canteknyee kek!

Then Raja Farah yang kawen minggu sebelumnya.. pun ade jugak menggunakan warna baby blue as her theme during solemnization. Majlis yang simple.. deco hantaran dier pun simple2 je. Make up dier pun sangat sweet. Almaklumlaa by Saidatulnisa (MUA  for Elyana during her solemnization gak). Sebab tue nampak berseri aje kan.. saye nk hire Saidatunisa mmg x mampuler.. hehe.. Anyway, tak sabar tunggu Raja Farah punye reception. Kaler ape plak dier pilih ye :)

 baju dier simple and sweet.. suke sangat patching kat tudung dia.. lepas nie kena cari tutorial kot nak buat gitu kat tudung sendiri.. huhu
sukenye kerusi/bantal nikah dia... mane nak cari ek?

pic credit: Photo Signature 

Seterusnya, Mizz Nina and Noh Hujan. Tak sure mane dulu antara diaorg ngan Raja Farah... tapi bedal ajela kan :) Anyway, eventho x obvious sgt penggunaan warna baby blue tue.. tp dapat gak dilihat pada baju diaorg. Anyway, sgt sweetlah majlis diaorg nie :)

alahai... Noh nampak baik giler time nie

Sorang lagi adelah ex-celebrity (sebabnye dh retired drpd jadi artis.. huhu), Baizura Kahar. Dia pun pilih baby blue for her solemnization. Alhamdulillah, dh bertudung rupenye (as i assumed since mase sanding pun pakai tudung)

 simple and nice. jubah kaftan & tudung siti :)

Nak lagi? Hmm... okay.. last ek. Ni gambar Bienda masa dia sanding.. walaupun kaler dier nampak agak outstanding, tapi tetap mantopss! :)

wowiee... Arabian style campur Hindustan dah nie... hehe

Baiklah, selesai sudah sesi cuci mata kite ye.. tunggu next session plak :)

pic credit: yang mane x sebut specific source tue maknenye saye x ingat dh amik katne.. tp yg pasti from blog2 hiburan :)

p/s: saje buat entry pasal warna Baby Blue @ Turquoise, sebabnye sebelum nie saye dah cadang nak gune kaler nie gak during one of the receptions. skali makin meletups plak kaler nie ye.. ahaks (berangan ler tuhh) ;p

Till then.


Review: Aspery Hotel, Patong

Hi there,

Here's my second review. This is where i stayed when i was at Patong, Phuket.  Spent a night there. Such a lovely small hotel. Looking forward to visit Phuket again! Definitely a nice place for quick gate away :)

the spacious and comfy room

Location:  about 500m to Patong beach, quite central, plenty of shops nearby (laundry, food stalls - and the well-known Thai-Malaysia restaurant 'Kusuma Seafood', convenient stores, spa, travel agent booth, money changer, tailor etc)

Price: MYR130-150(booking made through Agoda.com - green season), MYR200 (through hotel - green season, max MYR390 - peak season) -- depends on currency exchange rate

Room condition: Deluxe – spacious! Clean, comfortable (Thailand is famous for its hard bed, but then.. still comfy to me), day bed, LCD TV with DVD player, large bathroom (with bath tub – the hot water tap at the bath tub was not working when i was there. no big fuss though, still can use the shower), big wardrobe, small balcony, one door fridge, coffee making facilities, safety deposit box

shower, rack for extra pillows and towel

Facilities: swimming pool at the rooftop, spa & massage centre attached to the hotel, motorbike rental, internet corner, airport transfer etc

Breakfast: menu are simple and yet very tasteful

Extra: they provide welcome drinks, which was very thoughtful! :)

for more info, click ASPERY PHUKET website 

Till then.

Best regards,

Review: Novotel Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta

 November 21, 2010

Hi there,

As i promised, here's my first hotel review (will keep posting later). Hope it can be helpful to all of you :)

Note: usually the room selection will be queen or king bedded since i'm traveling in group... bigger bed means more people to squeeze in! hehehe :D

Enjoice! XOXO 

Novotel Hotel, Mangga Dua Square

 the swimming pool.. view from my room

Location: near airport, quite central, attached to Mangga Dua Square (not much hype, you won’t find authentic luxury brands here but then you can get good bargain for clothing and CD/DVD), shopping places within walking distance (Mangga Dua ITC, Mangga Dua Mall etc)

 location map

Price: IDR800k++ (depends on promo etc. price on weekdays is much higher since it is a business hotel. mine was IDR888k -- yup, it was weekdays)

Room condition: Superior room – spacious, clean room king bed (very comfy and yet there were 4 of us slept on it! :p), sofa, en suite bathroom with shower, fully stocked mini bar (need to pay), TV (can’t recall whether it is LCD or not), coffee making facilities, safe deposit box

 the comfy bed
 the bathroom

Facilities: swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi, fitness centre (just to name a few, haven’t tried any though), security access point at each floor, wi-fi (it’s not free! I think with the price they are charging for their rooms, every guest should be entitle for free unlimited wi-fi access)

 fully stocked mini bar
 nice breakfast

Breakfast: large spread of breakfast, balanced choice of international cuisine, comfy dining area

for more info, please click
That's all for now.

Till then.


Aidiladha 2010!

 November 17, 2010


Wishing all of u blessings of peace, love and happiness on

Eid ul-Adha

For those yang balik kampung, have a safe journey home & return kay :)

Eid Mubarak!

p/s: will post my hotel review afterwards (maybe lepas raya.. asyik cerita pasal hal kawin je kan.. kot nanti ade yang bosan pulak. hehehe).. nway, ade lebih kurang 10 entry kot nanti, mostly on hotel at Klang Valley, Bandung and Phuket. Bukan ape, saje nak share.. kotlaa nanti boleh jadi guideline tuk uols pulak time uols travel :)

Best regards,

Episod Mengenal Kain & Mengukur Tinggi

 November 16, 2010

Hi there,

Rite now tgh bz mencari idea tuk baju nikah (sebelum nie dah cari.. tapi tergendala jap. bile baca entry from An, terus teringat balik pasal baju yang blum settle ni). Ohh, saye mmg suke buat mende x ikut sequence. Baju majlis bertandang ngan sanding dh urus.. yang nikah nie pulak tertinggal tren. Gane nih? hahaha.. Well, since baju tue will be very simple.. jadinye skrg nielaa baru terhegeh2 nak hantar kat tailor. Harap2 diaorg terima tempahan lagilaa ye (kawen nanti bukan musim raye.. tapi kalau musim CNY pon sume org gian buat baju baru.. matiler saye).

Well, since saye nie stok2 ketinggian x cukup aka bonsai... kenalaa buat baju ukur di badan sendiri. Kalau nak yang meleret2 ke.. yang kembang2 ke.. memang x sesuwei ler jawabnye. So best solution is ---> buat baju kurung moden ajelaa. Kalau bleh nak yang pendek.. jadinye nampak kain lebih (kotlaa bleh timbulkan ilusi optik nampak kaki pjg) hehehe :p

So skrg nie ade 3 pasang baju nak hantar kat tailor. 1- My baju nikah (kurung moden) 2- His baju nikah (baju melayu johor) 3- Baju majlis kat Kelantan (kurung moden gak kot). Penat jugaklaa dok google gambar2 baju kawen.. kotlaa ade yang sesuai. Fuhh, seksa nak cari (terpakse cari artis2 yang petite juge tuk jadikan rujukan). Last2 jumpelaa yang nie

 Baju tunang Emelda - kurung moden yang sangat simple. i loike! esp part lengan tuh :)

 Baju nikah Liza (wife Ajai) - pilihan hatiku :)

yang nie pun fesyen macam pix kat atas... sgt suke (ohh.. yang nie bkn artis ye) :D

xpun buat macam baju nikah Diana Rafar nie kan? style gak nih :)

Anyway, saye nie jenis x reti nak demand pasal jenis2 kain.. so ape yang dirembat seharusnye lace (rasenyelaa.. sbb saye x reti name2 fabric ni) dan juge satin (as inner & kain)... and i don't even think nak tambah beading pun! huhu.. tapi tengoklaa camner kan.. kotlaa nmpk plain sgt ke nanti. But then, memang nak baju tue simple, so that nanti blehlaa recycle balik tuk pape function. Takdelaa nnti terperap dalam almari je kan baju tue :)

Tile Cornely/Corneli (kat Indonesia panggil nie.. kat sini xtahu ape name dier) + Satin for me. Silk Velvet for him. Full view kain xde lak.. lupe nak snap mase wat kuar drpd plastik. Kalau x, sure leh nampak kaki kain tue. Anyway, kain saye tue ade mixture pink sket :D

 Nie lace labuci ke ape? Ntah.. xtahu name.. tapi padankan ngan satin jugak. Kain nie antara hantaran masa tunang. Nak buat baju tuk majlis kat Kelantan nanti. Most probably buat kurung moden je :)

Gambar yang nie saje menyelit... hehehe... Ni kain2 for my mum (Tile Corneli Salju -- as what they called) & sisters (Japanese Brocket). So uols taulaa ye tema saye nanti ape.. hehehe. Kain for the gents in my family will be silk velvet gak tuk buat baju melayu. For best man and for my BFF memerangkap dayang2 tue pun ade kainnye. Tapi tunggu nanti ajelaa.. tunggu gambar official :D

Harap2nye this week dapatlaa settle bab baju2 nih. So that lepas nie leh fikir mende lain pulak... huhu. Semoga saya berjaye dengan progress yang lain ye! Amin :)

Till then.


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