Update: Floristika Bangsar
January 31, 2011
Hi lovelies!
I have many things to share with you but due to time constraint i have to make it phase by phase. Jadinye kite citer satu2 ye dulu. Lots of things going on.. almaklumlaa, dah saat2 kecemasan dah nie! (tapi sempat lagi blogging eks? :p) Well, i'm officially on leave today sampaila next week. So bleh focus more on the wedding preps :)
Anyway, for those that have been following me sure tau yang i nie jenis last minute punye orang. Sume mende pun last minute! Luckily i didn't freak out like most bridezilla do. hehehe. So ape lagi yang last minute kali nie? The fresh flowers! Last week baru pegi Floristika Bangsar tuk tempah bunga2 yang nak digunekan masa majlis akad nikah and reception. Slumber je kan pi cari vendor last2 minute. Well, since my wedding will be on CNY so i have to pick up the flowers a day earlier (nampak gayenye kena tumpang office abah i laa tuk simpan bunge2 tue) The price for flowers that imported from China will increase too during CNY season. At least by 10%. So nak tak nak kena prepare jelaa tuk bear the cost.
pink roses... antara yang saye order :)
Actually, bleh je if nak pegi beli terus on 2nd Feb tapi since dah pegi sane last week, terus je pilih2 bunge and place the booking sebab i don't think i'll have time to pick up those flowers nanti. Keje tue kena pass kat my sis. One thing about Floristika yang saye suke adalah layanan from the staff. They let me go through the flowers first, then bile dah ready nak place order baru dia akan follow. Sambil2 tue bleh mintak explanation from them and ask for their opinion. Mende yang saye tak suke? It's freezing like h*** kot dok dalam chiller room tue. Terketar2 i nak tengok bunge. Rase macam kat Paris lak. huahaha (tapi dah memang bunge2 tue nak suhu sejuk kan? nak wat gane :p) So, lets see some of the flowers available when i visited Floristika.
carnation spray - purple
carnation spray - pink
filler flowers - mix dianthus
white daisy
eustoma - my favorite! tapi xleh nak beli sebab x tahan lama :(
Banyak lagi bunge yang ade. Tulips, lilies etc. Kalau rasa nak cari fresh flowers especially if u are looking for imported ones, silelaa singgah sini. Sebab Floristika nie mmg wholesaler so rasanya lagi banyak choice kalau datang beli kat sini. Price wise pun okay. Kalau nak lagi best, sile datang time stock baru masuk. Bleh je call them and tanye bile stock baru sampai. Konfem lagi banyak pilihan :)
Open daily 8AM - 10PM
Okay, tue je update kali nie. Wait for my next entry ye :)
p/s: to my followers yang saye x sempat lagi nak follow back or exchange link.. can u do me a favor my leaving ur link at the chatbox? i will get back to u asap. thanks :)
Till then.
Best Regards,