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Sebab bola sepak, cuti bertambah.. yeay!

 December 30, 2010

Hello there!

Wah.. tetibe mood happy jer hari nie. hehehe.. Dah tau belum jumaat nie cuti umum sebab Malaysia menang Piala Suzuki? yuhuuu!! (padahal diri nie memang dh cuti, tp xperlaa.. tumpang happy tuk uols :p) CONGRATS SKUAD HARIMAU MALAYA! Haa, alang2 jumaat ni cuti konfem uols dah fikir macam2 plan kan. Almaklumlaa cuti panjang, bukan senang nak dapat. hehehe. Anyway, pape pun selamat bercuti sume!

Quoted Utusan Malaysia Online

29/12/2010 11:38pm

Kuala Lumpur Dis. 29 - Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mengisytiharkan Jumaat ini sebagai cuti umum bagi meraikan kejayaan sulung pasukan bola sepak kebangsaan menjuarai Piala Suzuki AFF 2010.

Ehem.. sampai Rio Ferdinand pun congratulate our team! X caye? tengok i retweet kat my twitter box sebelah nie.. hehe. Pape pun... cayalah skuad kebangsaan! Keep up your good  sportsmanship. Malaysia Boleh! :)

photo from budiey.com

p/s: alhamdulillah, printing kad dah settle... lepas ni leh proceed with formal invites... pastue nak mencari bahan for upcoming DIY projects :)


My Girls Wedding 2010

 December 29, 2010

Hi there,

Did i ever tell you that i love wedding? Well, this year memang bertambah2 jemputannye. Maybe sebab umur pun dah makin meningkat. Tapi dalam banyak2 jemputan tue banyak jugak yang xleh pegi. Bulan nie je cam banyak sikit merasa nasi minyak. Maybe sebab memang musim orang kawen.. hehe. Well, lately nie kalau gi wedding x sempat je nak snap pics (rasa cam xde mood.. nak kena brush up balik skills ni) Kalau dulu mau bersusun gambar dalam folder.. sebab tue kalau attend wedding lately nih cam xde mende nak citer sebab gambar satu hape pun x snap. Tapi yang peliknye kalau pi wedding my fellow SSPian girls, rasa tak sah kalau xde sekeping gambar. At least kena ade gak even SATU! (maybe sebab pegi ramai2 so kurang sket malu nak keluarkan kamera :p)

Well, since tahun 2010 dah pun nak menutup tirainye.. and i don't think ade lg wedding yang akan dihadiri lepas nie (last one was on 26th haritue kat Tapah. so lps nie puasa nasi minyaklaa sampai tahun depan) jadinye sesuailaa nak wrap up with wedding reviews. Eceh, lain macam je bunyinye kan. Anyway, as usual.. kalau pi wedding surelaa ade mende yang menarik.. so ape salahnye kalau berkongsi, x gitu? Besides the foods yang sedap sampai rase nak menambah 2-3 pinggan, baju cantek meletops the vass, make up cun... dan dot.. dot.. dot.. saye nk citer pasal deco je *dangg.. jgn hantuk kepala uols kat dinding sbb frust x dpt baca review berjela2* :p

Anyway, disebabkan slalu blogwalking tengok wedding planner punye page.. so agak familiar gaklaa ngan design2 pelamin. Sometimes kalau gi mane2 wedding leh main teka2 pulak pelamin tue from which WP. hehehe. Pelamin kat atas nie antara idaman hati jugak (since i always adore roman pillars dais).. tup2 nampak kat wedding my friend - Aza.. wuhuuu.. tetibe teruja lebey, bley tak? :D

Of coz tak sah kalau xde acara menyerbu pengantin.. time nie rase cam padat giler dh pelamin tuh (maybe sbb bentuk dier yg curvy and size stage yg sedang2 aje... plus banyak pulak pasu bunge + bunge pahar bagai).. mau roboh kalau sume degil nak dok atas tue jugak.. hihihi :DSebab pelamin dier gojes giler so i tros lupe nk tgk arch ke.. walkways ke.. dok tenung pelamin sampai tak kelip2 mate.. hehehe 

Okay, next adelah cerita 4 bulan lepas.. hehe (patutlaa lepas tue cam x smgt je pi wedding) Kat wedding Yaya nie antara yang banyak i snap sane sini.. sebabnye nielaa antara wedding yang kaya dengan arch. Dekat entrance je ade dua. Masuk dalam tue ade lagi satu (design nak same je ngan yang dekat entrance - sile rujuk gambar di bawah)

Dahlaa arch dier ade 3.. skali siap ade arch pergola nie lagi! Wah, 4 arch! Giler kentang i teruja amik gambar... huhuhu... cantekkkkkk! :D

Walkways dier pon cantek jugak.. tp rasenye xnk giler kuase kat sini., so after this share gambar pengantin ngan her off-white dais je ye. Gambar2 lain i simpan kedekut sebenarnye. Deco dier bungenye sume pon putih.. except bunge for table centerpiece & walkways

putih suci je pelamin dier
Then, wedding Zatil (hall dia sama ngan Yaya - at Putrajaya)..  majlis diaorg nie selang seminggu je rasenye. Tapi x ingat dh sape yang kawen dulu.. tetibe memory loss. Kat wedding Zatil nie rasenye my attention lebih kepada arch kat bawah nie (erm, nie panggil arch gak ke? konfius) Macam dalam taman! Siap ade pagar.. lampu.. wahh.. best2.. Dekat ngan pomander ball tue siap ade juraian green grapes lagi! (sayang xde gambar close up)

Nah kat bawah nie i tepek satu gambar cilok daripada FB pengantin (dia baru dapat pix from her OP rasenye) Saye xde dlm pix nie since i left early. Habis je melantak kat wedding Zatil terus berdesup ke PD sbb ade family day.. huhu.

Pastue kite lompat cerite bulan May pulak.. nie wedding my head-girl, Yus :) Wedding yang sangat simple and sweet. Sedap je mate memandang.. xde serabut2 sane sini.  

Meh tepek gambar pengantin comey dengan pelamin yang cantek. Suke tengok high back chairs tue... (tp of coz x sesuai ngan saye yang kenit.. kang sia2 je tenggelam kat situ.. hihi)

And... lastly adelah wedding on March (if x silap) Wedding Naz nie buat kat Summit Hotel. Kalau majlis kat hotel mende yang paling outstanding haruslah cake dier! Tul tak? hehehe (even if cake tue dummy je.. tetaplah menjadi perhatian) Her 6-tiers cake nie nampak simple but nice. Tak payah design pelik2 pun tetap cantek.

Bile tengok kek Naz nie mulelaa berangan nak kek tinggi2.. tapi masalahnye, bajetnye nan ado! hahaha.. So simpan jelaa cita2 tue. Kadang2 tue siap trase cam nak masuk kelas hias kek so leh buat dummy kek sendiri! :p Anyway, arch dier pun menarik.. bentuk Love gituh... tapi mane tah gambarnye. Malas nak godek2.. so share yang mane ade nie jelaa ye.

Conclusionnye, seronok attend wedding orang (tapi x tahu lagi ape perasaan kalau attend wedding sendiri)... hehehe :D

Okaylaa.. ade mase leh sambung celoteh lagi next time ye. Since dh dekat penghujung tahun, nak laa amik kesempatan nie wish uols HAPPY NEW YEAR! Semoga tahun yang mendatang membawa lebih kejayaan, kebaikan & kebahagian buat kite sume. Ameen :)

p/s: bakal buat rombongan Cik Kiah ke Nilai 3 & Ayer Hitam memborong barang kawen.. yuhuu... more progress please!!


Guest Book Alternatives

 December 27, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Topik hari ini adelah mencari alternatif bagi guest book. Well, i'm going to make the traditional guest book (for keeping) but during my wedding day rasanya nak cari alternatif lain so that it would be easier for the guests nak menulis and it will look more attractive. If letak je one book on the desk, guests kena tunggu turn tuk menulis and it will consume lots of time. Jadi tuk jimat mase... am thinking of having one of these alternatives for my guest book (nnti leh kutip the notes and tampal in my personal guest book)

So, di bawah nie i'll list out pilihan hati yg ade (have not decided yet.... humppp.. leh tolonng kasi idea?)

This look simple and easy.. just need to prepare the board and small notes. so lepas tulis their wishes, guests boleh tampal je kat board tue. I already have polystyrene board and satin cloth lebihan masa buat hantaran tunang dulu. So kalau nak menjimatkan kos blehlaa opt this one.

yang atas nie pulak gune honeycomb style board... mane nak cari board mcm nie ye? nampak menarik gak nie.. lepas tulis, gulung2 kertas masuk celah tue. macam secret messages laa kan.

Haa... yang nie paling simple kot. Just sediakan pen + kertas.. pastue letak je satu bowl besar. Then, siap! hehehe... sangat simple kan. Maybe kena fikir tuk jadikannya lebih attractive... using fancy papers perhaps or put more deco on the table (just like in the pix)

Yang nie pun sangat simple and menarik. It just i'm thinking kat mana nak hang tali tue.. takkan dekat pintu masuk dewan kot. huhuhu. Nak kena survey dewan balik kalau nk pilih buat gini... pastue beli cloth-pegs kayu banyak2.. baru nmpk style kan. Takkan nak beli yang plastik kaler2 tue.. nnti nampak sgt cilok rumah pnye.. hihihi :D

Ini antara pujaan hati.. tapi masalah betul nak cari pokok/dahan2 tue.. Ade sape2 tau mane nak cari? Mahal ke tak ek? huhuhu.. banyak soal pulak :p Kalau buat wishing tree nie menarik jugak, tapi bab nak mengangkut and set up kat dewan laa issue sikit sebab it need more space kan.. but still, very nice :)

So nak buat yang mana ek? Nak kena kire balik bajet yang ade nie... huhu. Kalau ade lebih, leh buat yang meriah2 sket, kalau takde.. buat yang simple jelaa kot. Sape2 yang tgh cari idea for guest book lehlaa share sini same2.. Sharing is caring kan? hehe :D

p/s: seronoknye lepak rumah... progress kawen pon laju je jalan :D

Till then!

Best regards,

Cuti Hujung Tahun

 December 25, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Just nak wish Merry Christmas to those celebrating.. and selamat bercuti di hari minggu kepade yang lain2. Maybe ade gak antara uols yang amik cuti tuk habiskan cuti tahunan. So, enjoy your holiday okay! Uols sume sure banyak plan ujung minggu nie kan.. lagi2 dengan YES and gaji yg tgh masyuk, sure ramai nk pi shopping.. hehe.. happy hunting! semoga dapat good bargains ye :)

Oh ye.... nak ucap SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU jugak to my dear friends and B2B out there yang bakal menjadi RAJA & RATU SEHARI within few hours nie kan.  I have few friends that will celebrate their big days on 25th Dec. Ade yang kat Terengganu, kat Banting.. kat Kelantan and so on. So harap2 everything runs smoothly and semoga hubungan yang dibina kekal ke akhir hayat (or perhaps... hingga ke syurga. Ameen). Yang nak attend majlis kenduri kawen, have fun!

Selamat bercuti!

and..... selamat mengerah tenaga tuk uruskan wedding preps for me! Chaiyok! :D

p/s: i'm officially out from my office starting from yesterday.. so bleh berjimba sakan TAPI next month wajib submit full report yg gempak on my SD policies analysis. harap2nye berjayelah.. Ameen :)


Perlu ke jadi bridezilla?

 December 24, 2010

Hi uols!

Familiar with the term - BRIDEZILLA? Well, i know that most of us dream of a perfect wedding.. but by any means, is it necessary for us to become a bridezilla? I've heard a lot of people complaining or whining about their wedding preparation. For me, if your preparation goes  not as the way you like or wished.. all you can do is find the right way to fix it or just learn how to adapt. Bukannye ape.. just wondering takkanlaa because the little imperfections yang ada tue bleh jejas your future with your loved one. Isn't it? So tak perlulaa nk  throwing tantrum or bising sane sini over little things. Sume bride pun cuak and fussy when it comes to their own wedding tapi lebih baik kalau kite handle sume masalah dengan lebih berhemah.. x gitu? *just my 2 cents* Well, i can be fussy too... tapi xtaulaa sejak dua menjak nie mood untuk tolerate tue terlebih banyak pulak. Maybe since i have too many things in mind and too many things going on on the same time so jadi malas nak fikir banyak2 mende.

I have less than 50 days tapi rasenye banyak lagi yang belum settle. Baju pun tak gi fitting lagi. So memang blur on how everything should goes accordingly.. slalu dengar b2b pegi fitting sampai 2-3 kali.. pastue problem ngan material laa xpun problem ngan tailor, macam2 dugaan (if ade b2b yg experienced this... harap byk2 bersabar ye).. hopefully everything goes well for me. Even kalau x menepati citarasa pun i redah jelaa. I met the vendor once tuk hall deco & reception outfit. I bagi design and color theme yang i nak.. then pufff..... terus xde kaba. Last time i call dengarnye baju dah siap and pelamin dah ready.. tp ntah bile leh pegi fitting sebab vendor x amik lagi baju kat tailor. Cuak? Adelaa sikit.. but since i jenis x suke nak argue ngan orang so rasenye i'll just go with the flow. As long as berbaloi dengan ape yang dibayar.  Lagipun my bff close ngan vendor so senang nak keep track.  Maybe sebab tue jugak i don't want to be pushy. So i just set my time limit and see how it goes. As for baju nikah, i memang nak simple. Takde beading ke ape.. just plain lace and satin. Tailor tue penah jahit my engagement dress, even siap last minute pun i trust her a lot sebab jahitan dier memang terletak kat badan. Harap2 xde masalah laa nanti.

Well, if nak list down satu2 my wedding progress rasanya mende yang tak settle lagi banyak daripada yang settle... huhuhu. So, mission minggu nie adelah untuk memulakan misi menyiapkan segala urusan yang tergendala. Nak tahu ape yang tak settle lagi? Kasi list sikit jelaa.. kalau tunjuk sume kang uols pon cuak same kang *jangan tergezut okies!* 

Baju2 sumenye haruslah belum siap. Daripada baju nikah sampailaa baju sanding. Apetah lagi dengan aksesori bagai kan.. Tudung pun xtau bile nk pi hunting. Final arrangement on dais, hall deco and caterer pun lum settle (gile ke tak gile nih?)... final guest list, seating arrangement, wedding cake, hantaran for my fiance... uhh, banyak dh nie... then our rings pun blum hantar pegi carving (as we bought it separately.. so mase beli aritue blum carve lg). Bilik pengantin pon belum start revamp lagi.. katil pun blum collect from supplier... so how? hahaha. Memang kalut cam pulut kan? :p

Anyway, tuelaa antara mende yang blum settle. Ade banyak lagi sebenarnye tapi malas tulis sume. Kang uols ckp "dia nie nak kawin ke tak ni? progress satu hape pon x jalan" hehehe.. Nielaa masalahnye bile dh get used to last minute preparation... banyak sangat mende on hold.  Then banyak pulak minor2 issues x resolve. Harapnye start esok blehlaa nampak progress meningkat. Chaiyok! Kepada b2b yang agak2 progress dier cam siput like me.. mehlaa join the club! Sep tangan same2 ye... gimme 5! Janji jangan jadi bridezilla okies. Chill babeh! huhuhu. Marilaa kite same2 tingkat produktiviti! (eceh.. macam ayat dlm iklan)

Till then :)

Disclaimer: If u read this post properly, you'll know that i am not pointing out my vendor's fault nor blaming any party or situation. I am not being loud with my dissatisfaction either. It just me delivering my opinion and genuine feeling on the topic discussed. Hopefully nobody feel offended by this post.


Tetibe mengidam...... korang penah?

 December 21, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Hehe.. tengok tajuk lain macam je kan bunyinye.. Eh, bukannye orang pregnant je leh mengidam.. tak gitu? Terase pelik sungguh sebab dari semalam dok mengidam nak makan donut. Padahal donut tue bukanlaa my favorite pun. Kalau macau tart ke.. choc brownies ke... cream puff ke.. logiklaa jugak. Last time mengade nak makan donut was on my birthday. Mase tue siap call my temok soh hantar donut. Skali betul2 dier datang ngan 1 box Dunkin Donut & Iced Latte! Fuh... kalaulaa rumah kami nie sebelah taman je xperlaa kan. Ni nak kena masuk highway pulak tuh.. 30 minit jugak baru sampai. Sanggup pulak ye dia menghantar donut malam2 buta. hihihi. Maybe sebab time tue my birthday so ade lesen besar laa nak ngade2, cube kalau mintak skrg nie.. haram laa nak dapat. hahahaha :p

Anyway, bile dah start mengidam nie mulalaa google gambar2 cik donut yang cantik menarik tertarik lagi da boom tue kan... kunun2 nak memuaskan hati (eventho tak dapat nak makan). Tapi nampaknye salah strategi. Mulut dah mula kecur tak sabar2 nak makan donut dah ni.. kalau bleh rase nak gigit je skrin nih... adesss

Trase macam donut nie dah panggil2 tuk saye makan dia... waaaaaa. "Wait for me... I'm comingggggg!" Erkk, kritikal dah ke saye nie? uhhh... tensen sungguh :(

Eventho dah mula trase tensen.. tapi tetap gigih mencuci mate... *nom..nom..nom* trase macam tengah mengunyah donut2 yang ade tuh. Alangkah bahagianya kalau ade orang yang sudi wat free delivery. Lagi2 kalau yang handsome mcm yang kat bawah nie. Sah2 aku ikat kat pintu sebab x kasi balik lepas deliver donut! wakakaka :D

Ahhh... lagi bahagia bila ade abang hensem teman makan sekali.. hehehe (nie memang post nak mintak penampar :p)

Baiklah.. nampaknya kesabaran saya sangat tercabar.. x mampu dh nak tahan!

I'm off to find my sweet love -- DONUTS!

Tata! (selamat dah habis office hour :p)

p/s: korang penah tak tetibe ngidam camnie? haihhh :(

Celebrate your love on cruise!

 December 20, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Past few days nie rasa cam takde idea je nak tulis ape kat blog.. but hari nie macam banyak plak mende nak share. Harap2 uols enjoy membace ye. Anyway, have you ever been on a cruise? Nope? Me neither. hehehe. I've been looking on Super Star Cruises (esp SS Libra - exit Port Klang/Penang & SS Virgo - exit Singapore) since early of this year sebabnye they always came up with Buy 1 Free 1 Promotion (it's like paying for 2 at half price laa kan). Even pegi MATTA Fair pun dok usha2 package cruise. Yelaa.. bila hitung2 balik, when you take a cruise package actually you are paying for transport & accommodation sekaligus! If dapat good deal, memang super duper jimat laa kan. Then imagine plak dok atas cruise.. tak ke rase ala2 citer Titanic? Pastue lebih bagus lagi kalau x dpt phone reception kan.. memang aman dari segala gangguan. Bleh bercuti sepuas2nye! hehehe (b2b, take note ni ye :p)

 Super Star Virgo
 Grand Piazza

Okay.. meh nak buat uols tempted same (so kite leh pakat drooling over a cruise holiday :p).. dengarnye the price we paid including the foods (so, jimat lagi kat situ)..  bleh makan dan makan tanpa henti. huhu. Pastue bayangkan dapat tengok sunrise and sunset from the deck.. view from ocean lak tuh. Lagi2 kalau ngan our spouses.. mau tak tangkap feeling cam Jack & Rose kan? :D

Another plus point... atas cruise tue sendiri dah banyak kemudahan.. ade  macam2 restaurants, onboard entertainment (i.e live music, karaoke, cinema), sports & fitness facilities (i.e gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, jogging circuit), library and macam2 lagi laa. If amik package yang singgah Langkawi, Phuket or Krabi lagilaa best kan... sambil2 naik cruise bleh pegi jalan2 lagi :)

Since dh penah gi Phuket, rasenye memang giler2 teringin nak gi Krabi pulak. Tup2 time bukak mailbox dapat info about this promo. Nie latest promo ye.. nanti kalau ade yang lain lagi i'll update later okey. Meh kite jenguk ape yang ade.....

Hurmm... yang paling menawan hati haruslah yang nie kan.....

Superstar Libra (exit Penang)
Phuket-Krabi Cruise
20 Feb - 25 Dec 2011
From RM792 per person

Fuhh.. makin bertambahlaa list destination bercuti tahun 2011.. tapi list je bertambah, duitnye tak bertambah2 gak. So dok keep on berangan jelaa :p

Anyway, ade another 2 cruises apart from what i've mentioned here. Destinations and packages pun ade macam2 lagi.. ade yg sampai 7 nights and etc... so kalau berminat.. silelaa godek2  more info on the fleet and the excursion HERE

p/s: cruise nie bukan jalan hari2.. so kena tgk gak travel date.. ntah ade ke x yang sesuai

Till then.


Invitation Checklist

Hello uols,

Bila sebut je bab jemputan sure ramai yang pening kepala kan? It is crucial for us to be able to estimate our total guests. Sebabnye it involves LOTS of other thing i.e seating arrangement, foods, doorgifts etc... especially kalau uols buat majlis makan serentak. Lagilaa giler2 important buat guest list. Even kalau buat buffet style pun boleh timbul masalah jugak kalau kite tak plan betul2 bab ni. Kalau foods terlebih banyak dah jadi membazir (kalau lebih sikit blehlaa bagi orang tapau). Kalau tak cukup lagilah seksa. Tengah2 majlis tue mane nak cekau makanan tambahan? Dibuatnye kalau kedai makan jauh daripada lokasi majlis.. dah jadi satu masalah besar plak kan? 

So untuk memudahkan kite wat invitation checklist, meh tgk diagram kat bawah (actually i have english version jugak.. tapi bile dh jumpe yang malay version rase lagi best nak tempek yang nie) 

click the pic for bigger view
credit: Weddingkami

For me bab jemputan nie pun kadang2 bleh jadi isu sensitive jugak. Some people prefer intimate wedding, so maybe tak ramai jemputan. Jadinye if ade timbul kes sesetengah pihak terase sebab tak diundang tue memang xleh nak elaklaa. Tapi sebaik2nya kita hormatlaa pihak yang menjemput, sebab tue majlis dia kan. Itu hak orang yang menjemput. Dulu bila tengok orang pilih bulu eh pilih kasih pilih tetamu tertentu je tuk attend majlis diaorg rasa macam x berapa nak faham gak. Tapi once dah start handle majlis sendiri memang tersangatlaa faham yang nak decide undangan tetamu nie bukan perkara yang senang. I repeat, BUKAN SENANG! esp kalau terikat plak ngan parents decision (luckily not in my case). Lainlaa kalau kaye duit juta2 lemon, blehlaa nak  jemput sekampung pun. Habis puluh riban tue cam kuar duit celah gigi je kan. huhuhu. Pape pun terpulang masing2 nak wedding yang macam mana.

As for me, reception kat KL ni 100% handle by mr.F & I. Bajet kami sangatlaa ekonomi. 2/3 gune duit sendiri maka haruslah kedekut berjimat cermat dengan sedaya upaya. Takkan lepas kawin nak makan megi sebulan? huhu. Jadinya memang kitaorg kena sangat hati2 bab nak membahagikan tetamu. Jadinye untuk memudahkan kerja, kami cube apply sistem RSVP.

Kenapa perlu ada RSVP? (initials from French phrases mean Please Respond). Oh, ni sangatlah penting kalau anda mengimpikan majlis yang intimate. Terus terang, i don't favor majlis yang ramai sangat tetamu tapi yang pengantin kenal hanyelah seciput je. That is our day so kite berhak tentukan macam mana kita nak celebrate. Maybe kite kat sini belum terbiasa lagi ngan budaya RSVP. Pada saya untuk jemputan majlis kahwin ni senang if kita bagi jawapan ATTENDING or NOT ATTENDING je. Sebabnya boleh memudahkan orang yang menjemput. Kalau kita xleh datang jadinye tempat kita tue bleh diaorg pass kat orang lain. Orang berbudi jadinya kita kenalah berbahasa. Tak gitu? (sekarang mmg cube avoid drpd click button MIGHT ATTENDING kat mana2 jemputan  di Facebook). Anyway, i won't be spreading my invites thru FB pun. Rasenye tak bape  convenient (but then, we'll see how it goes).

As my wedding invites nnti tak ramai mana pun, so wajiblah gune RSVP. I takleh nak jemput sume orang serentak. Kena jemput phase by phase and kena keep follow up. Jadinye harap kawan2 kami nanti dapatla bagi full cooperation. So, kalau udah jawab bleh datang makanya try ur best tuk hadir ye. If rasa tak bleh datang haruslah decline awal2 jadinya senang nak hulur invites kat orang2 lain. Don't worry if you can't make it to my KL reception. Majlis kat Kelantan & Johor bakal menyusul. Bleh attend yang tue. Well, nampak cam gila kuasa je kan.. tapi hakikatnya each majlis nie selang sebulan okeh. Bila tetamu dtg diaorg bukan jumpe pengantin baru dah, tapi pengantin basi. huahaha :p

Kepada yang dok planning nak kawen blehlaa start fikir camner nak handle bab jemputan.. yang blum nak kawen pun leh keep in mind.. masuk reminder ye. Pada saya at the end of the day yang paling penting is how do u feel masa ur wedding tuh. Bukan cakap2 belakang orang.

Selamat memeningkan kepala masing2 ye... sbbnye saye mmg tgh pening giler ni fikir pasal jemputan :(


p/s: tujuan buat checklist bukanlah sebab nak pilih bulu membeza2kan tetamu.. tapi nak sesuaikan dengan keadaan majlis dan juge bajet :)


Nicole Richie's Grace Kelly Inspired Wedding Gown

 December 18, 2010

Hi lovelies,

Have you ever wish to wear Grace Kelly's gown on your big day? Well, it seems like most of the brides out there shared the same dream including Nicole Richie! Definitely she can't get enough of the beautiful gown as she wore 3 Grace Kelly inspired Marchesa Gowns on her wedding. The photos of the first gown have been circulated around the net (whilst most of us waiting eagerly to have a look on the other 2 gowns - nie sure kes jual exclusive rights to magazines.. tue yang lambat release gambar). 

Okay, at least we have a sneak peek on the second gown. I like the second one better.. sexy back gituh! :p Can't wait for the full story of  her wedding. Bleh cuci mate lagi.. hihi :D

Anyway, when i looked at Nicole's dress suddenly it reminds me of this dress.....


Yes, it's Rizman Ruzaini's wedding dress wore by Fazura (back on 2008). This dress is simply beautiful and stunning! No doubt that she looked like a princess!

And of course... while looking at the pictures above, i can't hold myself from looking at the original piece of this popular gown. So here's the wedding gown of Princess Grace Kelly. Definitely like a fairytale.. isn't it? :)

I've been "oohh---ahhh" over these beautiful gowns. *drooling tahap dewa okeh* :p 

Oh my, i have 48 days more? (and it's exactly 3 months after our E-day) nie yang start nak ketaq cam org parkinson nih... less than 50 days olredi? alamak aihhhh... byk lg lom settle.. grrr.... :-S

Back to work!

p/s: anyway, big thanks to Jaja from Si Gaun Putih sebab bagi Anugerah Blogger Harapan. Since dh penah buat entry on the same award.. so rasenye x buat dh second one sbb jawapannye same je. huhuhu

Have a great weekend ahead ye uols!


Back To December

Honestly, i fell in love with this song ever since i first listen to it. Yerp, i am a big fan of Taylor Swift. She didn't have powerful voice like Celine Dion or Kelly Clarkson but yet she's very talented in making beautiful songs. I felt connected with most of her songs. I bet it's the same with other fans too. Taylor Swift is well known for her heart broken songs (which definitely due to the guy's fault) but this is the first time she made a song confessing her guilt over somebody. Rumors said that she dedicated this song to her ex (the other Taylor... familiar with Taylor Squared?) Maybe you can judge this from her videos and lyrics. She sang this song at Country Music Award (CMA) and American Music Awards (AMA) back to back last month (is she being persistent?).

Taylor Swift at CMA 2010 - heart her dress! (but not the make up)

I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life, tell me how's your family
I haven't seen them in a while

You've been good, busier then ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why

'Cause the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right
I go back to December all the time

These days I haven't been sleeping
Staying up playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn't call
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side and,
Realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night,
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
If we loved again I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

But this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

All the time

during AMA - you should listen till the last note. there's a big hint! (anyway, love seeing her in straight hair)

Most people said it is obvious that she wrote this song for the Twilight heartthrob, Taylor Lautner (too many hints in the lyrics even on the printed one in her album cover where initials TAY can be found). But then, since TL is with Lily Collins and TS currently linked to Jake Gyllenhaal.. i don't see how it's gonna working. 

But then, it's still sweet of her to came up with a song like this :)

**tetibe rase macam reporter/paparazzi/kaki gossip tak berbayar**

p/s: you'll know how the "Apologize" song linked to TL if you ever saw his homemade video on youtube ;p

Enjoy the song!


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